Run In

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It's been a few weeks, and Luz had to go back to the human realm. She visits everyday after school when her mom lets her. Luz enjoys her time with everyone, but the time she spent with Amity was her favorite.

Luz had become aware of her newly founded crush on the Blight. She was sceptical at first but once her mother had pointed out how much she talks about her and Willow teasing her about how she acts around the witch, she now accepts her feelings. 

It was Wednesday and Luz was walking home from another boring school day, then she had an idea. 

'What if i bring Amity to the human world again?! I could set up fun stuff we can do together. There is a carnival coming up in a few days. Yea, I'll do that. I'll ask mamá if I can take her to the carnival with me on Friday!' 

Once Luz was home, she rushed into the house. She ran into the kitchen, where her mom was, making her jump. 

"Woah! Mija, what's got you all worked up? You scared me half to death!" Her mom complained, setting her phone down on the table she was sitting at. 

"Sorry mamá! I just got excited about the fair that's coming soon!" Luz said, jumping up and down. Camilla got up and put her hands on her daughter's shoulders, holding her in place. 

"Calm down, Luz. I told you about the fair on Monday, why are you excited about it now?" Camilla put one of her hands on her hip with the other one still on Luz's shoulder. 

"Oh right. I was just wondering if I could bring Amity along with me." Luz brought both her hands together in front of her, begging to her mother as Camilla set her other hand by her side. 

Camilla just laughed. "You really like that girl, don't you?" Luz blushed at that and brought her hands down to her sides, forming fists with them. "I do not!" She defended.

After teasing her daughter for a few minutes, Camilla finally answered. "Alright alright. You can go with her if her parents say she can go." Camilla answered, smiling at Luz. She started jumping up and down happily once again. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you!!!!!!!" Luz cheered, hugging her mother.

"Your welcome. Now get going to her house to ask her." Her mom smiled, patting Luz on the head. Luz pulled away and rushed up the stairs to her room to put her bag up. Luz walked into her room, setting her bag next to her bed and plopped down on it. 

She leaned back onto her hands, looking around her room and sighed. She looked at a few of her 'The Good Witch Azura' posters hung up on her wall, to a board with a few pictures of her new friends hung up over her night stand her bag was leaning up against.

Luz reached down into her bag and pulled out her phone and started texting Eda on it. Owlbert had brought her a phone from the human world one time and Luz helped her learn how to use it. All she knows how to do is type on it though.

Me: I'm coming over to hang out with my friends.

That Bird Lady🦉: Alright kid. I'm working the stand so I won't be able to chat very much.

Me: Okie Dokie!

Luz got up and headed out the door. "I'm heading to Amity's now!" She yelled to the kitchen. "Alright! Be back by 5!" She heard as she exited the house. 

As she walked down the path to where the door normally was, she listened to all the noises around her. She heard birds chirping, the cars driving past her house behind her, getting quieter the further she gets, even the quiet sound of water dripping off of the trees from when it rained a couple days ago. 

She closed her eyes as she walked, feeling the light breeze as it flowed through her hair. She breathed in slowly, holding it, then exhaled it slower. 

When she opened her eyes, she was inches away from a blushing Blight. Luz yelped and fell back onto the ground, while Amity snapped out of her trance. 

"Ah! I'm so sorry Luz!" Amity yelled and bent down to help Luz up. Luz was blushing just as much as Amity was as she grabbed Amity's hand, pulling herself up with her help. 

"Heh, it's fine. You just scared me, that's it." Luz glanced at Amity's ears, seeing that the spell to make them round was casted in them. Luz raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here? And why are your ears round again?" She asked, dusting herself off and looked back into Amity's golden eyes. Both of their cheeks cooling off slightly, but still some blush was visible.

"O-oh, right. I just thought, since you always come visit us on the Boiling Isles, I could change things up and come over here instead." Amity said, smiling and rubbing the back of her neck as she looked at the human.

Luz melted at the sight of her crush's smile, the small blush dusting her cheeks once again. "Yea that's a good idea! That way we can hang out a little bit more. You know how my mom is, making me be back before the time she says or else she will ground me. Even if it's literally one minute late. Hehe." (True story 😒)

Luz grumbled under her breath a little before returning Amity's smile. Amity reached her hand out in front of her with a gentle smile. "Then, shall we go?" Amity asked, tilting her head to the side a little. Luz grabbed her hand as Amity moved to stand next to her. "We shall." Luz returned the small smile. 

The two walked back down the path, hand in hand. Them both blushing as they walked.

Yea i wrote this faster than i thought i would, even if its a little shorter. I'm writing the next chapter now because of it being so short. I just couldn't continue this chapter because I just needed a small chapter as a placeholder type thingy. Idk. But anyways, if chapter 9 is not uploaded today, expect it tomorrow. Have a good day!✌

✨Loving Her✨~Lumity AU Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now