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AN// I'm listening to this band is back and it makes me smile so much guys it's probably my favorite song rn.

anyways it's currently 1:45am and i'm not tired at all and it's because i drank 2 iced coffees today :)

Sidney POV:

"Aren't you excited to see your family" You sing to Charlie while the two of you eat breakfast.

"I'm not excited for you and Meghan to torture me" He laughs.

"You guys will have to take Bob's car, I have to get mine fixed today" Your mom chimes in.

"They are not taking my car!" Robert calls from the other room.

"It's not like Charlie would crash it. He's a better driver than me!" You yell.

"Not happening" He yells and you start to frown.

"Just take my car" Your brother slides into the kitchen.

"Henry, your car is disgusting" You slap away his hand as he tries to grab a blueberry from your plate.

"Sid i'm sure it's fine" Charlie laughs as he hands Henry a bowl of blueberries.

You finish eating and start to get ready.

"Are you sure they'll like this outfit?" You ask as your examine your leggings and sweatshirt in the mirror.

"They don't care about what you're wearing Sid" Charlie walks over and wraps his arms around you from behind.

"Okay" You sigh and walk over to the nightstand to grab your phone.

"You ready?" Charlie interlocks his hand in yours.

"Yep" You smile up at him.

You connect your phone to the aux cord as soon as you get into the car.

"What do you wanna listen to?" You glance over at Charlie as he starts the car.

"Anything" He smiles.

You turn on a playlist of disney songs and Charlie laughs before breaking into song.

"Coach said to fake right
And break left
Watch out for the pick
And keep an eye on defense
Gotta run the give and go
And take the ball to the hole
But don't be afraid
To shoot the outside J" He belts out.

"Just keep ya head in the game
Just keep ya head in the game" You join in.

The whole car ride to Charlie's parents house is filled with the two of you singing.

He pulls in front of the house and you squirm in your seat.

"Why are you nervous?" He puts his hand on your upper thigh and looks into your eyes

"I just feel like their still mad at me" You bite your lip.

"Sid that fight was over a year ago, they were never mad at you. they love you like their own daughter" He pushes a strand of hair out of your face.

"Okay" You sigh and Charlie plants a kiss on your cheek.

Charlie knocks on the door and it swings open immediately.

Meghan widens her eyes and then a huge smiles washes over her face.

"Sidney!" Meghan squeals and gives you a big hug.

"Nothing for me?" Charlie fake pouts.

"Of course!" She throws her arms around his shoulders and pulls him in.

Meant to be? - A Charlie Gillespie fanfic Where stories live. Discover now