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AN// Hey guys I might not be able to update for sometime i don't really know yet, but my phone is getting taken away when I get home, I'm so sorry. I'll try and get it back soon. Thanks for all the support. Ilysm!

Sidney POV:

You didn't stop smiling once during the party. It was hard getting throw people with your crutches, but people tried their best to move for you.

Now it is 2am and the only people left are Madi, Jer and Owen.

"UGH MY HEAD HURTSSS!" Madi screams as she lies on the floor.

"Why did anyone even let Madi drink" Owen groans from the couch.

"I thought it was fruit punch" She sighs.

"I'm glad I didn't drink" You laugh looking over at the 2.

"I think i'm gonna go back to my room" Jer sighs as he gets up.

"Nooo! Jer you can't leave me!" Madi whines throwing her arms up in the air.

"Madi let's go then!" Owen hops up and starts to pull Madi up.

"But I'm so comfy" she pouts.

"I guess you can stay here" You sigh, starting to get up.

"Noooo" Charlie glares at you and pulls you back into his chest.

"Fine i'll go to my room" Madi sighs as she gets up.

"No Madi, you're gonna stay in my room you can't even walk!" Owen laughs as he grabs Madi's arm to balance her out.

"I'm fine" she slurs as she almost trips over the table.

"Hopefully she doesn't break anything on her way out" Charlie mutters under his breath. You playfully slap him on the chest and he looks down at you before rolling his eyes.

You and Charlie get up from the couch and say your goodbyes to everyone.

You change into a sports bra and shorts and then plop back down on the couch and Charlie follows.

"Are you tired baby?" He looks over at you.

"Never!" you grin and he just rolls his eyes.

You focus on the movie until you see Charlie staring at you, out of the corner of your eye.

"Whattttt" You whine, covering your face.

He leans into you and grabs your hands off of your face. "I'm so in love with you Sidney, You're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen".

You blush and brush your hair out of your face. "I'm in love with you too, thank you for sticking around all these years."

He just smiles and pulls you into his chest. You lay down on his chest as he pulls a blanket over the two of you. He traces shapes on your back with one hand, and uses the other hand to rub his thumb against your hand.

You try your best to stay awake but you slowly feel yourself drift off. As you drift off you hear him whisper "I can't get enough of you".

AN// sorry for the short chapter i'm trying my best lol.

Good news... I did good on all of my finals!

And like always, have a great day. I love every one of you so much. Don't forget to eat or drink water today💗

Meant to be? - A Charlie Gillespie fanfic Where stories live. Discover now