fun with the cats~

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A/N- well that christmas one flunked cause I was away for christmas- also if yall know who Subaru, Laito, Kanato, Shuu, kou or Ruki  are just lets vibe together- thnx- also 9k- IM STUNNED BRO- should I write a lemon if we hit 10k :O comment if I should- im like hella late but okay-


   Weeks later you were feeling much better, seeing as your body healed faster because of what you father put you through..  when you were finally fully healed you wanted some fresh air. You walked two steps out of your room, saw hisoka on the ceiling went "AW HELL NAW-" and slammed the door cringing as some of the door chipped off..

    Bored, you put  Touch You on repeat because why the fuck not- and read fanfictions while petting your cats. Suddenly your cats turned human making you jump.

   "Bruh tell me next time-"you said, since you were in the middle of petting killuas fluffy head.

   "sorryyyy- N O T!" Killua said smirking. "Killua 76 y/n 64" he said bouncing on you in human form.  ( yall had a challenge of scaring each other)

    "HHHHHH bitch you-"you wheezed, shoving killua off. He growled in annoyance but went to play with Gon. 

   "So- uhm why did yall just do that-", you said laying your phone which was still on, next to you on your rickety night stand, and looking at kurapika and leorio.

  "Can we say hi to you or is that illegal now?!" Leorio said. you were about to respond with a witty response when something interrupted you.

   "HAHAHAHHAHHAH" you heard loud laughter and realized that killua and Gon had snatched your phone off the nightstand  and were looking at what you were reading.

   You were reading a smut... Sakusa x Atsumu BDSM smut.... "fuck." you swore chasing killua around the room while he read out lines...

   Then to your horror, someone opened the door just as killua burst out-

  "BAHHAHH  Y/n YOU READ THIS! LOOK HERE'S ANOTHER LINE! "HE SLOWLY LUBED UP HIS PU-... AHHHHHHH" Then he turned into a cat, dropping your phone. 

  You slowly turned to see who had opened the door.. "Body BOdy BODy BODYYY!" came the background music as you gulped seeing a small figure... standing doubled over in laughter..

    You threw a knife his way but he dodged it easily. Then you cornered him against the wall, and put a knife to his throat. "Don't you ever say a word about that to anyone or I will kill you. got it?" you spoke face bright read as you realized he was shirtless, and that he had actually some good abs-

   "okay pancake just remember I'm a torturer." he said grinning slyly, walking out.

   -////- "d-did he just call me pancake!?!?!?" You whisper yelled. 

    "Ya cause your as flat as a pancake- :)" you heard him say.

  "YOU BITCH YOU-YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" You yelled conjuring a spear and chasing him around the hideout.

  This didn't end well as both of you had some broken bones..

     A/N- well uh.. I feel horrid now- so..ya i haven't updated in forever >.< also the  pancake scene is from diabolik lovers- so- 

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