Awake~ chapter 12

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A/n- so I feel like I'm making this story to angsty- so here I am making the story fluffy (not much but-)  ;) also- TYSMM FOR 8k- LIKE UECNIOENIN- I don't deserve thissss- (not me losing my wifi for a week btw)

         "So.. we need someone to take care of her-" Chrollo said looking around at the current people in the room.  "anyone wanna volunteer?"  

         Phinks raised his hand and smirked. 

      "Anyone else?" Chrollo asked looking at the other people. "No Hisoka you cannot." He gave the clown who had come back into the room and was in the corner of the room smirking.

     "Okay I guess tha-. Feitan-??" he looked over and saw feitan slowly raising his hand. chrollo went  slowly over to feitan raising his eyebrow, before talking to phinks, snapping out of his fazed state.

    okay- sorry phinks we don't need a pervert taking care of her." He picked you up and dropped her into feitan's arms.

      "Take her to her room and take care of her there. Tell us if she wakes up." Chrollo said, before walking out, dragging out a depressed looking phinks.

      Machi, and Feitan could hear chrollo in the hall calming down a sad phinks. "go find other girls.. just not someone who is in our troupe..."  

                                    -your P.O.V-

       your vision was fuzzy, but you could make out a small figure doing something with his hands in a basin of water. You didn't want to let the person know you were awake yet so you squinted. suddenly the person turned to you and you knew who it was. feitan...

     He walked over to you and as your vision cleared you saw him take a cloth that was drenched and put it on your forehead. You blushed as you felt his hands lift up your shirt to check your bandages that you had no idea were there.     

     But you had flinched making him aware of your awakening. he pulled up his mask to cover more of his face.. *cute..* You thought. Wait- you had just called mr. shorty cute... what in the hell was wrong with you..

   "Your awake." His voice spoke as he looked anywhere in the room but you.

  "Uh yeah..." You said closing your eyes as he slowly scooted out of the room  with a small "I have people to take care of-" you slowly fell asleep after making sure the bandages were on right.

A/n- well I'm sorry- uH my wifi left the chat for a whole week- sO sowwy! Also should I do a christmas special? :3

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