A/N! TYSMMMM OMGGG 1k!? And I'm so sorry guys- I will make it up to you by updating twice today! I sorta failed two subjects so I've been busy trying to bring my grade up! >:( sowwy! Well enjoy! Also pls, someone post ideas on what to do for 1k special! I wanna make it up to you guys some how! :) *CHECK OUT CHARECTER INFO FOR MORE INFO ON IDEAS FOR MY 1k!*
⚠️ WARNING⚠️ -This may be offensive to some people as it includes torture, Very specific scenes and may trigger panic attacks! I don't want anyone to have one cause we already have enough to deal with in life! >:( (I warned you)
A professional torturer, a professional torturer.. Your mind thought as you curled up in a ball worried about when and how this porter guy was going to get you and torture you...then you thought well, he can't do much damage because they need me for the troupe right??
That was your final comforting thought before painfully slow, you drifted off to an on and off sleep.
-Time skip brought to you by ROLLING THUNDEERRRR!-
"Ugh" you groaned as you woke up. Wait- I can't move!? What the- Oh.. that's right I'm in the room of a cold blooded torturer .. Then it hit you, you could pretend to be asleep while you get away and miss out on his professional skills which you honestly didn't want to witness first hand.. that's right! I'll-
"Up? Well let's not waste any time and we'll begin shall we?" Said a cold hoarse voice from behind you.
Well shit, there goes that plan.. You thought internally groaning . What to do next? Maybe I can- But your train of thought was painfully interrupted by your index finger nail getting slowly tugged off by long slender fingers. (A/n ah as gruesome as this is it's how he wanted to torture gon) you winced in pain, but this obviously wasn't the worst pain you've felt, it's just that he had to choose that one finger that had gotten run over by a truck when you were 5.
"Dont worry it'll grow back soon enough" Feitan sneered pulling half of the nail off.
You manipulated your fingers to turn sharp, cutting into the mans skin.
To your surprise, he let out a small grunt which didn't sound like a grunt of pain to you...
Then it stopped, he took off what sounded like his belt, and (A/N not THAT you dirty minded- Oh who dafuq cares LOL we all were thinking that anyways ;) )with a clink it landed on the floor and he shoved you on the ground, (A/N oh lord I'm making it sound like that-) picked you up, slung you over his shoulder like a potato sack and lied you on a stone block that coincidentally had spikes on it. hitting all of you but your vital points. Before you could make a sound, you heard a whooshing noise that only meant one thing. You tensed your back muscles just in time to hear a sharp snap on your back, wincing as you thought of the welts you were going to get from that even with your clothes on your back.. the spikes however were more of a serious problem.
When you were younger, you had gotten hit by a truck and it had crushed your lungs and finger. You couldn't hold in your breath for very long and when you were in pain you held your breath..
-Flash back-
"HOLD YOUR BREATH Y/N! IT DOESN'T HURT THAT MUCH DOES IT?" Your dad screamed at you, while whipping you with a belt that had a metal ball on the end, in which he attached himself. It hit your back and pierced your skin, and your dad just laughed while tugging it out, gouging an even bigger hole in your back.
"No I don't!" You yelled, tears streaming down your cheeks blood dripping down your back staining your S/C skin Red, going over the dried blood stained brown.
"WELL YOUR GONNA ARENT YOU NOW? HAHAHA YOU DESERVE THIS PAIN, YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!" He erupted into laughter, now taking a knife and slowly carving the word Bitch into your shoulder before pouring rubbing alcohol and acetone mixed together on the open wound making it immediately puff up.
That's the moment you had feinted from the pain of it all, even more blood covering your shaking sweaty body.
-End of flashback- (a/n uh well sorry if that made y'all uncomfortable.. E I warned y'all. 😭)
Your Lungs hurt, your bruised still clothed body was sore and you were feeling nothing but pissed. That's when he did it. He did something you never wanted anyone to ever do especially not HIM! He tore your shirt open and threw it to the ground.
He was about to hit you again when you were at your max lung capacity he suddenly stopped. You stopped surprised at his actions. You felt fingers trace the word engraved on your skin Bitch. He saw bruises and marks and holes in your back.. he turned you over and scanned your face his eyes filled with something you never would of thought would be in them.
Worry.A/N! So uh I felt a bit awkward writing this because I was scared of people would ditch my story cause of this part TwT. Sorry- I just needed a reason for y/n to be evil- h e h e. Anyways :D. Cya!
Word count: 956

Wicked torturer Feitan x reader♡ ***hiatus***
FanficAlone one night, walking when a tiny figure had grabbed your arm. Kidnapped and forced to live another life with a the phantom troupe, what will happen when you and the tiny torturer get to close?