Reunited once again~

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A/N- Hello.. I would Like to apologize for not updating for so long.. I was flunking school so I was under a lot of stress.. But yall probs won't take that so- UmM I'm sorry- ALSO-I COME BACK- TO FRICKEN 11k- HUNNNY SINCE WHEN- THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!!!

  Ever Since the incident with killua  you made sure the door was locked, and always locked your phone when you were reading.. t h i n g s~  

   You weren't free to roam yet, because they still feared you would escape, but whenever you wanted to go out, you had to ask. You looked at the date wondering why it looked so familiar..  xx day of xx month.. Then you realized It was muffin's ( Your cat from the first chapter) birthday!

  Your cat Muffin was the exact same as killua, you had gotten so lonely that you had made a potion with your nen ability that made cats turn into people. Muffin was your first cat that you had, but since your meeting with the troupe, you told her to hide because she didn't have powers to fight like killua, Kurapika, Leorio and Gon did.

  Sighing you realized it must be about time.. her and the new cat Midnight you had named him,  were hidden away in the basement of your house. (Sangwoo better not be there istg-) Your basement had tons of things in it, from food to unlimited drinks, comfy couches.. Knowing muffin, a really caring Human/cat she Must've been able to take midnight home..

      Who would you ask to go with..   *feitan!* A small voice in your head said. You jumped scared at yourself for ever saying that..But somewhere in the back of your head you still had a feeling. You slapped yourself for ever thinking that..

   "Boss?" You called out, walking out to the main room, where most of the troupe members were lounging around, arm wrestling or scrolling on their phones. 

   "Yes?" Came a voice from above. Looking up you saw Chrollo book in hand staring at you with those stern yet comforting eyes.

 "Can I go out..." You asked, feeling childish about asking to leave a building.

  "Up to no good?" Chrollo asked smiling softly at you. Standing up exposing his abs. (Jeez This is a feitan reader stop seducing us chrollo!!!)

   "Meh." You responded grinning back at him. Within the time you had recovered and now you had grown fond of everyone in the phantom troupe.

   Chrollo laughed softly, then pointed to Machi, Shizuku, and Shalnark. Who rose, smiling kindly at you. 

       As you guys walked Shalnark spoke up, "So! I hear You've got yourself a tiny crush eh?"

    You went red punching him, and saying "What the fuck bro-"

     "Never knew you liked Midge-MFF" Shalnark screamed as his belt tightened around his waist strangling him. 

      "HEYYY THAT WAS MY GUCCI BELT :(" Shalnark whined.

      "Never knew you were rich- Oh wait I forgot you aren't HAHA you stole it!" You said smirking. The rest of the trip was silent, with some small talk between machi, shizuku and  you.


    You opened the front door followed by machi. The rest stood guard, But as you stepped in you froze, sensing the strong bloodlust coming from inside. Machi froze next to you, her aura immediately spiking.

     Then a figure appeared, a tall figure, muscly and covered in flames. As your eyes widened you growled. 

  Then figures came running to the door. "Y/N!!!" Shalnark and Shizuku ran inside but also froze seeing the figure, unsure whether to attack or not.

   "Knew you'd come back for the fuckin' pussy's" the voice came.

   'd-dad..." You squeaked.

 A/N- Am I making the dad look like endeavor because i hate him... Yes, Yes I am. (No hate on endeavour, but like hes so mean to shoto :( )

Word count: 640

Wicked torturer  Feitan x reader♡ ***hiatus***Where stories live. Discover now