Alone one night, walking when a tiny figure had grabbed your arm. Kidnapped and forced to live another life with a the phantom troupe, what will happen when you and the tiny torturer get to close?
A/N- Ok so im like so sowwy about this! I uh was forced to delete wattpad on my other device so uhh I had forgotten my pass and ya so here I am... Also this part is really confusing sowwy TwT but on the bright side I can update more often :) enjoy!
"Oh no.." you thought, this is gonna be bad... Well one of the troupe members is gonna be fucked up after this. You thought laughing. " So starting first will be- Kurapika vs. Machi!" Chrollo said. Kurapika smirked, knowing his ability would be over hers. Machi just stood there with a sorta bored expression on her face. They both stood in a circle, and waited to see who would make the first move. It was Kurapika... He was faking with his fake chains again, silly machi, she thought that he was a manipulator. Machi tried to get him with her nen stitches, he dodged easily because he was using gyo. The match ended by Machi realizing that she was chained up by nen chains and had a sword to her throat. Kurapika had won, easily! You smirked knowingly. Next up was killua vs Nobunaga! Nobunaga had thought he was going to win, silly him. The match started by him talking about how he drew a circle, Killua could no longer go into the circle without him being chopped up to peices! Killua then sighed in annoyance and with one swing of his yoyos, nobunaga had tried to slice the yoyo, but found that when he did it, he had distracted himself and now he was being pinned to the floor by the white haired one. Killua smirked, getting off of nobunaga and walked away. "Shit" You could hear mumble nobunaga under his breath. "Next is leorio versus Franklin!" Chrollo spoke his eyes wandering over to you. He looked you up and down then doubtfully at leorio. You sighed, knowing leorio was no match for him... whatever his nen ability was it was definitely strong enough to beat leorio otherwise how else had he joined the phantom troupe? -Time skip brought to you by lazy author-Chan and todoroki freezing the school then setting it on fire- Wow.... you thought, leorio had lost obviously, but Gon had won... you never thought of gons ability to be strong, because it had a huge weakness, you could hit him at any time while he was charging up to use Jan-Ken.. His opponent was pakunoda. He was good at dodging so that was an easy win for him.. (a/n Sowwy if I'm making the phantom troupe look weak TwT) "Now, Y/N. Why don't you fight someone?" Chrollo said smirking. "We'll flip a coin to see who goes against you." You groaned hoping it wasn't that creepy clown called Hisoka or that virgin porter dude. And with that everyone went into groups of two and flipped a coin. Then the final two came... you screamed silently at the sight of them. For, both Hisoka and feitan were the last two contenders. Hisoka was smirking while feitan was giving off his usual expression. "Now chose." Chrollo said, taking a coin out of his pocket. "Heads." Said Hisoka looking at you devilishly. "So that means feitan gets tails" Chrollo said eying the short torturer. "I had no fucking choice." Feitan responds quietly glaring at Hisoka. Chrollo flipped the coin in which you noticed, Hisoka had his finger behind his back controlling the coin. "Daman you." You spat at Hisoka. "Well Hisoka, I guess cheating doesn't count does it now?" Chrollo sighed looking Hisoka in the eye. You snorted because what he said was the furthest from the truth. Well with the phantom troupe anyway. "Well since Hisoka cheated, why don't we instead of a fight, feitan comes up with something different but has to be what he wants." Chrollo said holding back laughter. "I give you half an hour feitan" For the first time you could see joy in the raven haired guy's eyes.. and in that moment (You knew you fucked up) You regretted saying anything about Hisoka cheating, then realized Chrollo already knew, so it didn't matter anyway. -Time skip brought to you by ROLINGG THUNDERR!- "So basically you want y/n to use her abilities to escape you from torturing her?" Chrollo said expressionlessly. His insane looking eyes stared at you. You groaned quietly, thinking why you, why you. "And y/n if you didn't know feitan is a professional torturer." Chrollo said, then continued. "Now we start tomorrow, so get rest and find your own food." As you went to bed that night, feeling nice from the good sushi you stole, those words kept echoing in your head. "Professional torturer".....
A/N HOLY- OMG I JUST SAW HOW MANY VEIWS I HAVE- 800- I'm dead rn tysmmm! Should I do a special feitan fluff? Comment requests for if we get to 1k! :) I hope we do! Also GOOGLE EXPLAIN .-.
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What the actual heckery- do they mean Hisoka or- what lmao 😂 Word count: 845