A/n- ;-; I told u I'm lazy ;-; also warning- dis has swearing so ya- also nen ability is: You can do anything you think of example- You we're out and someone was passing you off you thought of a chainsaw and chained the tree down and killed the dude. Also your a demon and can summon wings at any time. Also like killua you are immune to most things like sleeping gas, electricity, and posion. Sorry this is like an average story where you get kidnapped but I'm trying! I sware it's just the beginning!
Your P.O.V
I was in a pissy mood. Work just wasn't going well... I just wanted to relieve some stress so I went for a walk. Then I noticed something, I was being followed I really didn't feel like dealing with these idiots, so I just went towards the highway, hoping that they would stop following me because I was going somewhere dangerous. ( in case it was a little kid)
"Fuck off Dipstick" I mumbled, when I was mad all I would do is swear. They picked the wrong time and person to stalk. Obviously they knew they had to keep their distance or I would notice them cause they didn't hear my sad arse insult. Looking down I gasped!
"Omggg that's so cute!" I squealed, cause right in front of me was a black cat with purple eyes. My weakness was cats, I absolutely love them! (For the sake of the story pretend you like cats ;-;) I sat down and pulled cat treats out of my pocket they were half eaten from my own cat at home, muffin. I would of conjured new ones but I didn't want my stalker to know my nen ability.
Stalkers P.O.V
I sighed, our mission was to find someone to fill in for Uvo. Boy, chrollo really knew how to make our day... We were following this girl because Phinks was ranting about "sensing a great power" when obviously he just wanted to do pervy things to her. It was useless to make him stop because if he wanted something he grabbed it.
"Come on this is useless she's just a normal girl their isn't anyth- I paused because just at that moment I heard an explosion, and looking around the bush we were hiding in saw that half the highway had blown up, and that girl we were following was laughing and then yelled.
"DIE BITCH" then she flipped someone off before walking away and disappearing behind a tree. Phinks then whistled.
"Wow- did she just do that-" he asked bewildered.
"No dip Sherlock " I responded, "come on let's follow her, she might actually be the one we need to make danchou (boss) happy" i grumbled before getting up and moving closer to the tree.
Your P.O.V
Oops I thought. What had happened was I was walking across the highway with a new cat I was gonna adopt, before a truck almost hit me. I then had thought *make my finger able to explode things* (almost like little flower, the bomber dudes nen ability) I was now walking along happily with my new cat I had decided to call dusk in my arms. I had forgotten about my stalkers. Unfortunately I let my guard down and I felt something being stabbed in my side. My eyes widened as I realized I was losing control of my body, and this wasn't anything normal.. this was NEN! I thought before I blacked out..
A/N cliffhanger! Also I'm sorry this was short, it's just that I need more time to think about plots, but I will update tomorrow! Sorry for the crappiness of this story- I mean I tried! Also hint- the stabbing thing had to do with shalnark if you were wondering why that happened since you are immune to a lot of stuff :>. Night!

Wicked torturer Feitan x reader♡ ***hiatus***
FanficAlone one night, walking when a tiny figure had grabbed your arm. Kidnapped and forced to live another life with a the phantom troupe, what will happen when you and the tiny torturer get to close?