Blackthorn City Gym

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I leave the gym and get a call from Professor Elm. Something weird is happening with the radio broadcasts. They were talking about Team Rocket. Has Team Rocket returned? Yes!

As I put Finally the Hoothoot on the team, I give a sigh and heartfelt goodbye to Toothpaste. I teach Finally Fly and fly and go to Goldenrod City where Team Rocket is running everything.

I can't enter any buildings except the Pokemon center, the train station, and their headquarters! This is crazy! I'm going to speak with their manager right now! I walk into the radio station and am kicked out because I'm not a team rocket member. Dang it. Guess I'll just let the world burn.

I catch word of more Team Rocket uniforms being handed out in the Tunnel so there and change into my Team Rocket uniform! Now let's break into the radio station!

I arrive and make my way to the stairs. I'm given clearance and start to go up the stairs when Silver rushes in and removes my disguise! He said I was too strong to be one of them and uh... that actually means a lot to me. Thanks, man...

Anyway, time to fight this Grunt now. I would tell you about the fight but my team is really strong in comparison to them so it wasn't much of a fight. Silver leaves me to deal with Team Rocket, and I head up the stairs.

Just thought I'd share this, Not Rick the Sudowoodo knows Low Kick, and I always imagine him like doing a breakdance flare and kicking them that way. It's very funny haha.

While freeing the Radio Tower, Finally got a chance so show us what she can do. The opposing Gloom was strong but Finally put it to sleep and knocked it out with only two hits! She knows how big of shoes she has to fill and she is rising to the challenge. Thank you, Finally. Welcome to the team.

Not long after her display of talent, Finally gained enough experience and evolves into a Noctowl. Let's Freakin Go.

I reach the top and find Petrel pretending to be the director! He said he won't hold back this time... let's give it our all.

His first Pokemon is Koffing, who Not Rick defeats with two Rock Slides. Next is Weezing and I switch to Woogle since it's probably more bulky. After a Surf, his Weezing uses Explosion and brings Woogle down to 7 HP, and I did not need that scare!

Next is another Koffing and I switch to Suavce. The Koffing goes down after two Charge Beams, and then he sends out another Koffing who meets the same fate. This guy needs different Pokemon. It's time for Finally to shine. I send her out and the Koffing stands little chance.

After three failed attempts at Hypnosis, it finally lands and the Koffing falls to Finally's Confusion. Let's do that again with this next Koffing. Yeah, that's exactly what we did, but without the failed Hypnosis attempts.

We get a key and I continue destroying every Team Rocket grunt in this building. I then go to the basement place in the tunnel where a kimono lady says that I might be worthy of catching the legenda- Oh look at the time! And she runs away.

I enter the basement and Silver runs up and is like, "Lance didn't show up, so now I'm gonna fight you instead!" and we fight. Not Rick and Suavce take out his Golbat and his Feraligatr while Cafeteria defeats his Sneasel and Magnemite. Finally takes out his Haunter and we leave the battle with a victory.

I make it to the end of the tunnel and rescue the Director. He gives me the key card and now it's time to take down the rest of Team Rocket. I eventually ran into Proton! Remember him from the Slowpoke well thing? Back when I still had Rubles? Good times. Finally sweeps his entire team and we move on.

I reach the top and am greeted by Ariana. I remember her! I also hate her! Let's fight!

Finally and her Arbok have a pretty even fight where Finally comes out on top with a critical. Suavce then just electrocutes her Murkrow and Cafeteria burns her Vileplume alive like he does with literally every other Pokemon in this game.

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