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7 months pregnant and everything was going just great at the moment they where at the doctor checking how the twins where doing and thankfully enough they where growing pretty fast and healthy "have you thought of names yet?" The doctor looking at both of them while cleaning the gel from jimins bigger belly "no we actually haven't" a small smile while Jungkook helped him up "well I hope the right names come soon" giving them a small smile handing over to the couple the ultrasound and leaving the room.

Sighing while looking up at the black haired man "he is right, we need to think names already" wrapping his arms around jungkooks small waist who wrapped his arms around the shorters shoulders "we will get the perfect name for them both love it's just about time" resting his chin on top of his head "Let's go now" helping him get off the bed and out the room.

"Areum" catching the girls attention her smile soon appearing "jimin hi" ignoring her boss and wrapping in a hug the blonde man "hi" he smiled back before she lead him to a chair "so what you got for me?" Making her finally acknowledge her bosses existence "well Mr.Lee sent over the possible candidates and..." his honey eyes moving from the busy persons as he inspected the room jungkook would soon leave to become the CEO and would leave to move to his new office "jimin?" His eyes snapping back to the black haired man "are you okay?" Nodding with a small smile "do you want to come with me?"

"I get to see you in the big boss office?" Teasingly smiling at him while getting up from his seat "sure you will" giving him his bunny smile, his hand on jimins back leading him out and to his new office "fancy" teasing him while plopping down on the brown couch "do you like it?" His bunny smile expectant "yeah, it's... nice" his eyes roaming the room while Jungkook took a seat beside him making his eyes move to him "what?" Jungkooks smile wide while he only shook his head giving the blonde a breathy chuckle.

"Nothing" leaning back on the couch jimin scooting closer and resting his head on the tallers shoulder "what's wrong?" His hand resting on the eye closed males chest awaiting for an answer "I don't know, I'm happy and excited but... there's just these feeling like if- like if i shouldn't be in these office" opening his eyes and looking down at the blonde man who only stared at him fondly "jungkook you deserve these more than anyone, you have worked a lot to get here" Feeling one of the twins kick "even the babies agree" softly laughing his hand moving to the blondes belly "do they?" Smiling at the honey eyed man in front of him watching him nod.

Soon two kicks where felt making jungkooks smile bigger "yeah I think they do" laughing as he pulled closer the man pressing his lips to his "at least i get to share all of these with you" jimins smile wide making his eyes crescent moons.

"Let's go home now" getting up and looking down at the black haired man "I actually... have somewhere to take you" leaning his head to the side before he was pulled out of the office and to the car "where are we going?" Intrigued as he looked over at the excited man behind the wheel "you will see"

Soon they parked in fron of various big beautiful houses making jimin stare in amazement out of the window "come out love" opening the door for him and taking his hand "what are we doing here?" Getting his eyes covered by jungkooks free hand "do you trust me?" Giggling at the silly question "ofcourse" jungkooks voice close to his ear "then I will lead you i have a surprise" softly giggling letting the man lead him, feeling that they kept on walking probably far away from the car by mow "okay ready?" Nodding right away feeling jungkooks hand move from his eyes but he kept them shut "open them" the olders voice soft watching jimins face turn to a surprised one to then one of confusion "I don't get it" looking at the man behind me "these is our new home"

Staring in shock at the big house in front of him, the front door a dark brown with rocks like pillars color brown decorated it, a path in front of him with plants on either side while on the left there was a dark brown gate most likely to place a car inside "love?" Growing worried a he heard the man in front of him sniffle, walking in front of him his smile dropped watching jimins tears run down his cheeks "what's wrong? You don't like the house?" But the blonde shook his head "then what's it?" A small sob leaving his pink lips "I love it" more sobs escaping his lips while taking a step closer to the suite dressed man who was embraced by the shorter making a small fond smile appear on his lips "it's alright love" wrapping his arms around him "why do you keep crying?" Softly laughing getting a pinch on his side "because you got these house" with teary eyes looking up at the brown eyed man "and why are you crying about it?"

"Because of the twins!" More tears streaming down his pink cheeks while Jungkook kept on cleaning them "stop crying and go see inside" pressing his lips to the shorters forhead to then lead him in once his sobs had stopped as well his tears "it's beautiful" the metallic epoxy floor catching first his eye before his gaze shifted to the dark wooden stairs eyes wondering to the white walls before he kept on walking finding first the living room with a long grey couch on the center a second one near where jimin stood, the wooden floor colored a dark brown before his eyes moved to the glass coffee table on the center underneath a grey fluffy carpet.

Further to the side a completely space alone "do you want to see the kitchen?" Nodding as he followed the black haired man into a modern looking kitchen, the counter of white marble while the cabinets on the lower part where of a dark brown and the ones on top where white "I like it" smiling as his fingers traced the marble counter before looking back at jungkook "Let's go upstairs" pulling out his hand for him to take which he did before together making their way up to the second floor "I was thinking that while the twins are still young they could sleep here" signaling with excitement to the big room with more than enough space for both kids "and then if they wanted one of them could take these room" pointing to the one besides; big enough just like the first one "both have their bathrooms but there's also one out here because these is a guests room" paying close attention to what he was saying.

"And these would be our room" pulling the blonde from the hand along him showing him the master bedroom which was way bigger than the other two counting with its own bathroom and two sinks along a spacious shower, his bunny smile wide as he stared at the shorter man "what about your apartment?" Watching at the man who still had his hand on his "I already placed it on rent" widening his eyes "unless you didn't like the house ofcourse we can stay there... just that well we won't be three anymore and I thought that the twins could use the space to run around and well, feel less piled up" his smile slowly fading.

"Besides there are a lot of-" shutting up the babbling man as he pressed his lips into his soon feeling him reply to the kiss "I love the house" pulling away with a wide smile his eyes almost closing "everything is settled is just about knowing when you want to move in" his voice low at the closeness "whenever you want" smiling at each other before walking back to the car, date to move into their new home already set.

⤥⊰⚬𝖡𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝖮𝗇 𝖡𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽⚬⊱⤦                             JiKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now