The Beginning

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They had met back in a not so famous bar right away feeling attracted to one another but ofcourse the blonde man wouldn't give in that easily aside from that the black haired man checking him out by the bar was into the game, jungkook found charming the blonde man and he was more into these wanting to at least get the name of the beauty before him so as the said male swayed his hips walking over to the bar and taking the stool right beside him he made sure to leave clear he was into him later that night getting out his name, jimin he was called.

But lucky him he didn't leave the bar with just his name but with the boy himself.

-Present time-

"What are you going to wear?"  plopping down on the blondes bed watching him shuffle around his room "i was thinking that maybe these could do?" Pulling out a Gucci shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans "you will look so good in that" reassuring his best friend "thanks hobi" smiling from ear to ear placing on his bed the clothes he would wear for tonight "now what are you going to wear?"

"I don't really know maybe I will take the purple jumper I bought last week" his blonde bestie gasping "yeah! That one looks so good on you" Hoseok nodded a small smile on his lips "will you see him today?" The question leaving his lips "no, besides he only calls me when he wants, same with me" jimin answered as he gathered his clothes to then grab a towel "I will take a shower let me know when you get home" Hearing a small hum from the raven haired before he closed shut the door of his bathroom.

Once he was fresh out of the shower he wrapped the towel around his waist a ding coming from his phone but he ignored it while he placed on a pair of new boxers a second ding from his phone making him take the phone two messages from two different people the first one from his best friend letting him know he was now home and the second one of the very man he was being questioned not long ago.

What are you doing tonight? Was what the text read but he didn't bother to even answer leaving on seen the man whom he had continuous encounters with, resuming to get dressed two more dings where heard but he just rolled his eyes knowing who would be the one texting him but as another ding came he decided to just open his phone and like how he expected jungkook was the one messaging him.

Don't leave me on read.
Love Don't Play with my patience.
Answer me, now.

What do you want?

Answer my question.

He sighed giving a small smirk before he answered.

⤥⊰⚬𝖡𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝖮𝗇 𝖡𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽⚬⊱⤦                             JiKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now