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-Flash back-

He never expected to be here nor to be doing these as he stared in almost fear at the black haired man already inside the pool "what if something happens? I don't want the twins to get hurt" rolling his eyes a third time to the blonde pregnant man "nothing bad will happen besides it was your doctor who said these was good" standing up and stretching his arms for the blonde man to grab "baby get in already, everything will be alright" giving him a death glare "last time you said that, I snapped at my mom" Sighing and swimming to where jimin sat "these time is different" giving him puppy eyes "do you trust me?" Biting his bottom lip and nodding "then hold onto me" wrapping his arms around jimins waist and pulling him in the pool, the blonde man right away wrapping his legs and arms around the bigger man who chuckled at him.

Slowly jungkook walked around the pool while keeping an arm around the blonde man who stayed wrapped on him like a koala "jimin get down" laughing at the blonde man who right away shaked his head "love get down already it will be fine" taking a shaky breath and unwrapping himself from the taller man "there you go" giving him his signature bunny smile while still holding the youngers small hand "it doesn't feel so bad" hand moving to his belly "why would it feel any different? Come here love" starting to swim backwards his eyes still on jimin who was swimming along him.

-Present time-

Getting on the pool while both of their twins stared, one almost terrified at his parents and the other in pure excitement "come on Aera you can do it!" Jimin cheering for his daughter who smiled from ear to ear while jun-seo stared in terror at his black haired dad "what if I can't swing?" his words not that understandable for his dad who gave him a smile of confusion "what if you can't swim?" Reapeating what he understood and getting a nod from his brown haired son "that won't happen, look at your sister she isn't worried about it" named girl looking in excitement at her brother "but I don't am her" his lips forming a natural pout as he looked down at his feet "just jump i will catch you" hesitantly nodding.

"At the count of three!" Jimin announced both parents looking at each other and nodding in agreement "1..." gabbing their chubby hands Aera trying to reassure her brother "2..." pulling her hand away as they prepared to jump "3!!" Both parents moving a little backwards as two splashes where heard their kids doing their best to swim towards them "you did it!" Aera high fived her blonde parent while jun-seo wrapped himself to jungkook like a koala while crying "aw baby it's alright dad is holding you" jimin reassuring him while Jungkook cleaned his tears "jun-seo it's good daddy is halding you" Aera trying to make her words clear to her brother before pulling the now more calm kid into her tiny arms "aw my two little babies"

"Lets swim" in fear he clutched tighter to the black haired man who only chuckled at him "I won't let go, I will hold you the whole time" not knowing if he could trust his dad but still nodded as it was the best deal he had "Let's go to the stairs so they can play for a while" jimin suggested already making his way there before jungkook followed him with his scared son "get down jun-seo you can reach here" Slowly sliding off his dads grip feeling his feet touch the ground "yay!" Excitedly running on the wide stairs and playing with his sister.

Almost a week ago they had gotten married and since their twins where still little and they didn't want to leave them with hoseok and namjoon they had insisted on taking the pair with them to their supposed honeymoon which now was a family vacation, but, did they mind? Nope no at all.

"I will catch you jun-seo" jungkook told his son who prepared to jump "no! You wil swum back" giving an angry pout to his dad "I won't move i promise" but he shaked his head "if he moves he will get you and your sister some ice-cream" giving a small smile to his blonde husband "he will?" With big doe eyes looking at his momma "yes he will" Aera shouting as she jumped jimin catching her "see your sister did it and I will get you some ice-cream if I move, c'mon!" Encouraging the boy before he finally jumped "you did it!" Cheering making a smile tug at his sons lips "I did it?" Looking with a wide smile at his black haired dad "yes you did!" Giggling loudly as he hugged his dad "again! Again!" Placing back out his excited kid before threw himself to let his dad catch him.

"Daddy catch me!" Aera shouted making his dad open his arms for her to jump "me! Me!" Now jun-seo announced before jumping "you two little trouble makers" having his arms full before jimin swam to him "come here jun-seo" the blonde man wrapping his arms around his son "mama can we still get ice cream?" Smiling at him before nodding "but we need to get out first" humming as they made their way out of the pool "mama can I go?" Wrapping her on a towel "you want to go with me for your ice-cream?" Getting a small hum from Aera "do you want to go with us jun-seo?" Now turning to his son so he could wrap him on a towel, Giving the blonde man a big firm nod "do you want an ice cream kook?" Looking at his husband thinking for a moment "yeah, strawberry" aera starting to jump "me too! Me too!" Laughing at his daughter before jun-seo started to jump along his sister "me choco! Me choco!" Taking both of his twins small hands and walking off to where the desserts where being served.

"Now where's my towel?" Shirtless jungkook looking around before finding his towel and starting to dry off, hearing a pair of giggles he looked up expecting to find his twins or jimin but surprised as he found two girls standing in fron of him "uh, may i help you?" Both girls looking up and down the dripping wet and Shirtless man "we where wondering if you would like to swim with us" slightly widening his eyes at the unexpected request of both girls "I don't think that will be possible, I just got out" flipping back his wet hair out of habit "well maybe you could help us to put on some sunscreen" Gulping as he had no idea of how to react " babe I brought you vanilla they don't have straw... berry" his gaze landing on both girls checking out his husband.

"Is something wrong?" Not really knowing how to ask what they where doing looking up and down his black haired husband, shrugging off the presence of the blonde man or of both kids seating on the sunlounger while eating their ice-creams "then? Could you help us to put on some sun screen?" Getting what was happening while looking from his slightly uncomfortable husband to both girls "here let me help you" walking to both girls and smearing ice cream on the closest girl to him to then smear the rest on the second girl "there you go, now leave my husband alone" clenching their jaws before leaving the family to clean up the vanilla flavored ice cream "that was mine" trying to pout but giving his husband his bunny smile "that was actually my ice cream" pulling him closer by the waist "jealous?" Rolling his eyes at the taller man "jungkook you are gay" laughing before feeling jungkooks lips against his "ew!" Pulling away and laughing at their twins.

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