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"And after- or before lunch we will play whatever sport you like and I will let you have all the ice cream and candys you want" getting a small slap on the back of the head softly giggling "well maybe only during the weekend" pulling away from jimins baby bump and jumping beside the laughing blonde man "these baby is going to be filled with a lot of love" voice slightly muffled as his face was pressed against jungkooks chest "it will and I will make sure of it"

Suddenly turning them around jimin laying back while Jungkook kept himself on top of him, slowly leaning down pressing his lips on his plump ones before getting up and out of bed a wide smile on the blonde man sitting up on the messy bed "I have a meeting later today" watching the man shuffle around the room getting ready for work "but I will try to be back before 5" Glancing at the man nodding back at him "I will get going now" half tucking his shirt as he rushed to the bed placing a kiss on the youngers forehead and leaving.

It's been almost half a month since that evening and their relationship had grown as much far as that invisible line was traced, still not saying their feelings but both knowing they where there showing their care through their constant actions, staying a while longer as he looked down at his growing belly softly caressing it "your dad loves you a lot little one" Fondly smiling to himself before getting out of bed and tiding up just a bit, thankful that taemin had insisted once again for him to take a day break the pressure he was being placed on of taking even more care the constant looks from his co-workers (not his team) who knew he wasn't in a relationship when he got pregnant as well the stress of the party he was still in charge of.

"Now let's get dressed" making his way out of jungkooks room stopping mid way as he kept in adjusting to the change of rooms "right" getting back into the room that was now also his and pulling out a pair of comfortable clothes, sliding on a loose pair of white sweatpants and a long sleeve white loose shirt "what should we do today little one?" Placing on a pair of sneakers rubbing his belly while looking at himself on the mirror "more strawberries and mango it will be" softly smiling and walking down the stairs and into the kitchen "lucky us we still have some" opening the small box of strawberries and grabbing the bag with two lasting mangos.

"What do you think uncle hobi is doing?" Pulling out his phone and dialing his best friends number.


"Aw I'm so glad you guys are doing better now" a faint blush on jimins cheeks as he nodded in agreement with his best friends boyfriend "and how has the little one been doing?" Jimins hand out of habit caressing his tummy "it's been great, the month is almost done though my cravings have been increasing and soon we are going to be told the gender-" a gasp from the older attracting attention from nearby tables "you are not having a gender reveal? Or a baby shower?" Almost offended namjoon getting excited beside his boyfriend "yeah! You guys should have a gender reveal we can help" both males staring at the blonde in front of them with puppy eyes.

"I don't know i would have to ask jungkook" Hoseok rolling his eyes "what better way to know your babies gender than with a gender reveal party" namjoon nodding in agreement "i bet he will agree, besides hobi and I will be in charge of it" wrapping an arm around Hoseoks "all you have to do is seat back and wait for the party to enjoy it" biting on his bottom lip thinking over their words "I mean these week is the end of the preparations for my clients party" really starting to consider it "fine but I don't promise anything, I will have to ask jungkook first" the couple Cheering interlocking their fingers "I will get going i will go visit him at the office" giving him the look "I'm taking him some papers he left" rolling his eyes at both males before saying goodbye and driving to the olders workplace.


"Jimin hi" kai stopped him making imins smile brighten "kai! Hi, it's been a while" hugging the taller man "how have you been?" Pulling back looking up at the brunette "I've been good thanks for asking, how have you been? With the whole pregnancy" softly chuckling "well the cravings aren't on my side but the baby has been growing well" giggling at the blonde man "are you here to see jungkook?" Nodding at his obvious question "hasn't he finished his meeting?" Staying quiet as he looked down at his watch "no he must be out already he gives us a break around these time" starting to walk with the shorter man to the elevator "great, it was nice seeing you kai" waving as the metal doors closed.

A ding heard the doors opening once again as he started making his way to jungkooks office softly humming to himself "hey!" A hand on his wrist who he now knew as Areum holding him back "oh hi" a small smile from him "I knew it was you, what are you doing here?"

"Visiting jungkook and bringing him these" Showing her the yellow envelope "well lucky you the meeting ended already" starting to step backwards "and I'm in break but it was great seeing you" waving goodbye at the shorter man "see you around" waving back watching her walk down the hall "she is a great person little one" smiling widely to himself continuing his path soon reaching the door he was looking for but brutally stopping himself from opening the door his smile turning into a frown as he heard jungkooks voice inside with one he didn't liked as much, gathering courage and opening the door the mere sight making his heart tighten a lump forming in his throat.

There was his child's father on his chair, Ji-hoon on his lap "jimi-"

"I- I brought you these you forgot them" quickly placing them on the first desk he saw jungkook pushing away the male and rushing after the blonde one "jimin!" Grabbing his arm the younger trying his best to contain his tears "it's not what it looks like i swear" taking a deep breath looking him in the eye "it's fine, it's not like we are actually together" giving a painful smile "i will be heading back" trying to leave but Jungkook not allowing him to do so "don't go" his smile soft with sadness "Don't overwork yourself" pulling back his arm and leaving the building.

Storming back into his office "what the hell is wrong with you?! Did you planned these?!" Fuming at the man in front of him "just coincidence" shrugging as he made his way past the man who roughly grabbed his arm "I told you to stay away and now you hurt me and him like these? What the hell do I have to do so you can leave me alone? Why the hell did you even tried seducing me when I already told you I don't feel a damn thing towards you?" Letting go from his grip on the slightly shorter males arm grabbing his things and heading out; a loud huff from him "these is how things will be then huh?"

As soon as he closed the rooms door he layed down on the bed he slept in the first night he spent here, soft tears rolling down his cheeks trying to keep himself as calm as he could "i'm sorry" words meant for the baby as he held his baby bump "but we will move out as soon as you are born my little one" sniffling.

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