A Check Up

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Finally the day of the biggest and last party had arrived and jimin was feeling excited by seeing his proyect come to a successful opening and hopefully close, his outfit matching most of the party colors white short shirt with a silky one of the very same color on top tied at his waist level with a pair of white pants and white see-through gloves because ofcourse by being the events main planner he had to dress up for the occasion.

As always he went all around the place making sure everything was fine taking a small break by the bar appreciating his work, soft blue, white and mint lights all over the place the guests mostly dressed on white some of the main characters of the company wearing a new style matching the party the not so big figures standing people allowed to take pictures with it "you look gorgeous love" the low voice of the man close to his ear making jimin turn around jungkook leaning his weight on the counter sipping his drink "not bad yourself jeon" his eyes not helping it but roaming over the male wearing a a white blazer with white pants his undershirt a black see-through.

"Weird to see you here love, you are always avoiding staying still and taking a break during these events" placing down his glass as jimin gave him a small eye roll "i don't feel so well" mumbling his words as he looked around the place "you should really start considering going to the doctor" worry lacing his words "I know know Hoseok already made me an appointment" leaning back on the counter "I will see you around then" lightly grabbing the shorters waist as he walked off jimins eyes still following him as he recognized with who he went to talk.

"Hi jimin" kai approached him jimin giving a small smile as a greeting "you look beautiful" a small giggle from the shorter "you look very handsome kai" the small compliment getting a blush from the taller "jimin we can't find the box with the bottles you ordered" a panicked waiter rushing at the blonde "how come? I made sure they arrived" his own self starting to worry "i'm sorry kai I will see you later" quickly rushing to the kitchen with the waiter.

"Where are the bottles?" More worried than mad as he looked at the staff "Mr.Park i was with you when you recived them so I made sure to get some help and get them here inside but when we looked for them to start serving drinks... they just weren't where I left them" a sigh leaving his lips already feeling a headache starting to build "is there anyone that had access that wasn't from the staff?" Looking at all the facea surrounding him "excuse me?" A voice called from behind and as jimin looked back he found a well dressed man that for sure wasn't from the staff "how may I help you?" Turning his body so he could completely face him "well I heard that you don't seem to find some bottles?"

"You don't have to worry mr please just enjoy the party" a fake smile plastered on his face "oh well I just thought I had seen a wooden box already at the bar so I just thought that would be it" jimins eyes slightly going wide "really? Thank you so much for letting me know" quickly dismissing the staff and walking to the bar not noticing the man was still following him as he checked the box "yeah these are the ones, make sure to serve some cups and give them away" saying the second part to one of the waiters.

"Excuse me?" Surprised looking back at the man "yes?" Not getting what he would need know "well you see, I was hoping I could talk with you i um saw you talking with that man... over there" his eyes following where he pointed his brows knitting looking at jungkook talking with some other guests "sure I guess I can take a few minutes off" nodding as they both walked to a table "I would really like to know, how do you know jungkook?" Trying to make as quickly as possible a suitable answer "we met at an event i organized" saying half of the truth "but I don't get it as far as I know he is not dating or seeing anyone how come he is so" hesitating to say the word, jimins mind clicking as he understood what the boys intentions where "touchy with me?" Saying the very words he couldn't say.

"Look Mr right now I'm on working ours and these is an event I'm in charge of so if you have any issue with Mr.Jeon make sure to clarify it with him not with me" standing up the man opening his mouth to speak "please enjoy your drink and the party" not wasting more time and walking away just in time the sound of a microphone catching everyone's attention the ceo standing at the not so big stage "hello everyone" the not so old looking man greeted, everyone quieting down to let him speak "I wanted to thank everyone for coming today and to the responsable of making these party look so beautiful, but ofcourse to announce the official launching of our newest game!" A round of applause echoing as a timer appeared behind the man.

"I know most of you where expecting me to announce the heir of my company" some people murmuring "but sadly that will have to wait so expect me to gather all of you once again to make such a big announcement!" His smile big, more claps erupting; the timer almost close to its end "now why don't we chant the launching together!"

"6..." all eyes moving to the big clock being proyected "5..." Feeling an arm sneak around his waist "4..." his eyes locking with jungkooks a small smile on the tallers lips "3..." jimin returning the same gesture as they looked back at the clock "2..." not noticing jungkook lean down "you did a great job with the party" a small chuckle from jimin "I always do"

"1!!" The cover of the game appearing as everyone cheered along the company's owner.


"Stop worrying so much and just have fun with him" trying to calm down his best friend through the phone not wanting him to cancel his date with his boyfriend "yes I will make sure to tell you whatever they tell me" humming one last time before hanging up and stepping out of the elevator and into the barely filled hospital floor as he found the room his doctor was at, softly knocking "come in" he opened the door to find a small smile on the old man "jimin it's been i a while thankfully" signaling him to take a seat while giving a small chuckle to the older.

"So what brings you here?" Slightly leaning closer and giving his full attention to the blonde man "well lately I've been filling bad i thought it was just stress because of my work" the man nodding as he knew jimin for a while now and he knew the boys job "what symptoms you have had?" Thinking for a moment "headaches, nausea and some fatigue also i had started to be slightly more sensitive to smells" noting down what the blonde told him before signaling him to the bed couch (I don't know how they are called I'm sorry) doing a quick normal check up before letting him take once again his seat in the chair across his desk.

"Jimin" leaning back on his own chair "have you considered taking a pregnancy test?" His eyes flew open at the words that just left his doctors mouth "a what?" Not believing his words "a pregnancy test" jimins shock making him laugh "don't worry is just for precaution i will send you to get some studies done but it's just in case" a small hint of relief washing over him soon leaving the place and where he had to get the studys done.

He didn't want to but he had to, hesitant he reached for the pregnancy test grabbing two more just in case and placing them on his basket a long the other things he needed before checking out and leaving the store with three different pregnancy test of three different brands.

At home he tried to ignore the boxes in the bag resting on the kitchen counter as he made small chores his ringing phone startling him "hello?"

"Jimin you said you would call me" Hoseoks voice sounding like he was pouting "ah sorry I totally forgot" he couldn't tell Hoseok ofcourse there was no way he could tell his best friend that there was a possibility of him being pregnant "so? How did it go?" Staying quiet for a while "very well It was just because of stress" the lie coming out almost naturally "then rest up besides you are already done" humming talking for a few more minutes with the older before hanging up and making his way to the bag and taking it to his bathroom in one go doing all three tests.

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