Be Careful

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Rubbing his small belly staring at the white wall deep in thought before he heard the front door open making him look over at the exhausted looking jungkook "you are home early" Surprised by the blondes words as he looked up at him making his way to where he sat and plopping down "did you learnt my schedule?" A cheeky grin in his face a faint blush on jimins cheeks as he realized his words "w-well y-you... always return an hour after I arrive" looking down at his lap feeling shy under the olders gaze "I know my times are easy to remember" chuckling trying to easy his shyness as he rested his head back eyes softly closing, jimins eyes moving up to look at the man beside him "you should take a nap, you look tired" Sighing shaking his head "and leave you without eating, not in a million years"

Standing up and walking to the kitchen groaning at his almost empty fridge "I can go grocery shopping later" speaking from the living room "no, i can go" Hearing jimins soft footsteps as he leaned by the door frame his hands still caressing his small baby bump jungkooks eyes staying there his heart softening at the sight "I want to go too" a small pout on the shorter "you never let me help in much and just keep me in here" a small frown on his face making jungkook groan as he made grabby hands to jimin who only laughed confused at the tallers gesture before he really walked up to him squishing the shorters cheeks "fine you can come with me" stopping his gesture but keeping his hands on the blondes face as he stared into his honey eyes jimin staring back at him.

Clearing his throat pulling back "I will just get changed" rushing out of the kitchen and into his room leaving jimin behind "idiot" whisper shouting to himself the scold as he lightly hitted the floor "control yourself jimin" taking in a deep breath and walking back to the living room "dammit" quickly changing into a grey hoodie and grey sweats mentally scolding himself at what had just happened in the kitchen, rubbing his face taking his wallet and walking down the stairs to find jimin already placing on his sneakers "are you ready?" Nodding at the blonde man.

Watching the shorter as he happily hummed walking from aisle to aisle getting what was needed at the tallers kitchen and placing it on the cart which was being pushed by the black haired man "oh jungkookie can we get these?" Pointing at a bag of chips as a blush crept up to his cheeks by the name he was called slowly nodding jimin widely smiling as he grabbed the bag and placed it on the cart "I think these is everything" looking at the things he had placed in "y-yeah" still feeling taken a back by the way jimin had called his name "then let's get going to the cashier" starting to walk beside jungkook as they together walked to the cashier staying in the line which slowly started to move.

"Why don't you wait for me at the car" pulling out the car keys "no i'm fine" but he noticed how he kept on shifting from foot to foot his hand on top of his small belly "jimin get going to the car you will get tired" but he insisted on staying there making the taller sigh as he placed back into his pocket the keys "excuse me, we are open here!" A young woman gesturing to the sign of pregnancy and elder people "c'mon" Grabbing jimins smaller hand and walking together to the cashier "hi" greeting as he started to place the things to check out "how long have you been pregnant?" Wanting to make some talk with who she thought to be a couple "almost two months" cooing "your baby bump is already starting to show" pausing for a moment as she told the total price for everything "don't" taking jimins hand so he wouldn't hand his money.

⤥⊰⚬𝖡𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝖮𝗇 𝖡𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽⚬⊱⤦                             JiKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now