Chapter 9: Invasion of the Stickmin Universe

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Warning: Violence, Censored cursing, and racism

The Brothers In Arms and C. Miller's group spent so good time at Henry Stickmin's house. They also got to know each other more and what they lives were before they joined the military. They also learn more about the Thriple Threats before they met each other.

As they were having some time, Charles' cell phone rung.

"Hang on a sec. Got a phone called." Charles said before he got his phone to see who's calling.

"Charles, report to Base Gramma." whoever was calling himself.

"Wait why?" Charles said.

"There's no time to explain. Report immediately. Also bring your new friends with you as well. Goodbye." before the called ended.

Charles went to the living room to tell them what he recevied.

"We have to report to Base Gramma for something. They also want us to bring our friends as well." Charles told the group.

"Wait are we going to be experiments?" Jerry Jones said. "I don't want to be one!"

"Relax. The Government would never do that." Charles said. "Come on, let's head to the helicopter."

The group went to the helio-pad that had the helicopter. It was full on fuel since Charles fueled up last night.

 It was full on fuel since Charles fueled up last night

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"Whoa, that's a nice looking copter. I wish had one of those." Peter Lee said.

"Well you can be my co-pliot then." Charles said laughing

Everyone got onto Charles' helicopter with Charles taking the cockpit. Peter Lee took the co-pliot seat.

"Alright, is this copter good?" Charles asked while making sure the copter was in good condition. Everyone gave a thumbs-up that the copter was in good condition. "Well into the sky we go." Charles said as the copter flowed to the air and headed to Base Gramma.

"Also Vietnam War guys, here's a music I think you're like." Charles said before swtiching up the radio to Fortunate Son.

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David Statz and Jim Brown were confused by that song but Steve Drake and Peter Lee enjoyed the music.

"Wish we had that song back in our universe." Peter Lee said.

"Well to tell you the truth, the song was relased in 1969." Charles said.

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