Chapter 15

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I stepped inside my house right at 7.30 pm, closing the door behind me and locked it too. I heard the TV was on, and from behind, I saw the silhouette of my father. I went closer, seeing that he was watching a soccer game

"Kory" He spoke, gesturing his fingers to come closer

"Good evening father" I walked to him and kissed his hand as usual. "Is there something I can get you?"

He looked me in the eyes for a while, as I watched him think. "Get me a glass of water, and go change" He said handing me his glass

I nodded, doing just as he asked. After taking a shower and changing into some clean clothes, I went downstairs to stay with my dad. I got myself a glass of plain milk, then heard my father call for me again. I sat down next to him on the couch, hearing my mom taking a bath in their room

"How was helping your uncle?" My dad asked me

"It was so and so... He didn't have a lot of stuff" I said leaning back into the couch

"Did you finish your homework yet?" He asked

I nodded, taking a sip of my milk. "I did, and I studied for Monday's quiz, I'll review before school"

"That's good" He said. His back was slanted down into the couch, my father was finally relaxed. "Those stalkers, do you feel like they're still around?"

I looked down, slowly nodding my head at his words. "Yeah... It feels like they're getting closer to me every day..." I said

My dad sighed at this, and got up to get something from our living room drawer. He walked back with a small item in his hand, a pen? He made me open my hand and hold it

"It's a pen taser, I always had it with me when I was around your age" My father said

"Does it still work?" I asked glancing around at it

"Stand up. I'll show you how it works" My father said

I stood up, holding the pen in my hand. My father stood behind me, guiding my stance to be upright and proper. He placed my hands where it needed to be, what to press if I wanted to recoil it

"Thanks father... I really appreciate it" I said, looking up at him in his eyes. I rarely paid attention to his eyes, I rarely looked at them. They were a deep grey, bags under them. His eyes looked calm and transparent... They were, dare I say, beautiful

"Yeah, make sure to aim it close" He said, touching my left cheek with his hand. It was warm? He stroked my cheek gently with a sigh. "You're just as beautiful as your mother" He said, his brows frowned

"Uh... Thanks dad" I said, immediately closing my mouth. "Father, I meant father"

My father pulled his hand away. "It's late" He said, his posture stiffened up as his eyes went into a slight frown like always. "Go to bed"

I nodded rapidly. "Very well father, I will see you tomorrow morning"


I opened my eyes at the buzzing of the alarm on my phone. I picked it up, seeing it was already 6.30 am. It was a bright Saturday, at least that's what I can see out of the courtains of my window. I sat up, fixing my messy hair as I went and got my glasses. I feel tired, I don't know why. I didn't help Zaire all that much yesterday, but I felt so drained

Between Us - Kory and ZaireWhere stories live. Discover now