Chapter 6

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Its been over the weekend since I've talked to Kory, and if I'm honest... I'm scared. Today's Tuesday, and I have yet to see Kory face to face. He didn't contact me since Saturday, and he was absent on Monday with no one having an explanation. Not even his homeroom teacher. Either that, or she just doesn't want me to know

I sigh heavily as I open up my eyes. Another day, and no text from Kory. I heard felt Hannah sleeping next to me still, and my room was still dark. What time is it? I rolled to my side to glance at the time, it was still 5:30 am. What am I doing...

I got up, I still had a few hours before school. Might as well make myself more productive, right? I started to strip, and after I did I went into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, seeing the bruise still on my nose from that damn asshole. I traced my fingers over it, still remembering when Kory wiped the blood off and stopped my nosebleed. He was gentle, caring... I dpnn't want to lose him. I'm sorry, Kory...

 I got into the shower and turned it on, the sensation of cold water soon covered my body. Why can't I have the courage to apologize? It's my fault he ran off right? Ugh. I really did blow my chances of having a date with him. Not even a date, I might have scared him from being my friend. I don't want that to happen! But how, how should I apologize to him??

I got out of the bath and dried with a towel, and after I did I got dressed. I didn't care how I looked. If Kory won't be seeing me, why should I bother trying. I went downstairs and turned on the lights, after I did I started cleaning the ashtray and bottles of New Amsterdam Vodka from the table. As I threw them into a bag, I looked out the window into the dark sky. It was a beautiful indigo blue, and I can already predict the feel of the soft cold breeze on my face

I turned on the stove and got some eggs and bacon from the fridge. I cracked them open, and the sound of the frying was enough to distract me. The lovely smell of bacon soon filled the room, and I made a smiley face with the food for my dad. Is it the other way around? Of course. But I'm pretty sure he's still too hungover to walk properly. I also began to prepare food for Hannah and myself, I can skip breakfast and eat at school. Most likely, alone

Half an hour later I heard Hannah calling for me. I turned off the stove and went upstairs to check, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed

"Jayie... I had bad dream..." Hannah frowned and hugged my arm for comfort

"What was it about Han?" I asked picking her up and brought her to the bathroom to clean her up

"Ghost, and... And it chase me" She mumbled as I took off her pants and diaper, then sat her on the toilet

"Oh? And what happened? Where was it?" I asked her and helped wash her, but she was mostly doing the work

"It didn't got me" She said. "It in our house"

I got her pants and underwear, helping her put it on. "Is that so? Don't be scared, me and dad will kick their butts if they bother you again" I said rubbing her head

"You will?" she asled

I nodded. "Definitely. C'mon, you have to brush your teeth" I said lifting her up to the sink


As I set my feet down on the pavement, I dreaded to go in that horrid building. That crooked, old, disgusting building. No, I don't want to. But what else can I do? If I skip school too much I'll get expelled or some shit. As I entered the entrance halls, everyone was chatting all about the movie Eternity War. Honestly, I could care less about movies. I don't have the money to see them, or even have enough  care to get invested. As I walked I kept my head down, my earbuds plugged in as I had an olive green hoodie on. Nobody interacted with me, and is it really news at this point?

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