Chapter 16

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I sighed heavily as I leaned back on my bed. What happened yesterday, it's fucking crazy. But it's not the first time Nathan's shit saved me from death. Maybe if I didn't bring the knife with me... No, don't think about it. Kory is safe, those jackasses won't touch him again. Luther did say that there would be guards at his house but...

I couldn't shake off the feeling that it isn't over. I doubt it... But why Kory? I got up hearing my dad leave the door. I went outside and greeted Cyrus who just came in. Now's my chance! I went into my dad's room, closing the door behind me. His laptop is still here, as always. I opened it up, logging into his account and started to skim through the investigation he had on Kory's kidnapping

So it was three men, all unknown people off the charts. They're all asian, at least from the pics. Ugh, I hate going through interrogation, but at least I got it over with yesterday. Now about Kory, what should I do?

I heard my phone ding, checking it... It was Kory. Immediately I opened his message. It was him asking me to... Call him, as Adrian? Don't tell me he's using code again...

I texted back if I could call, and I immediately did when he said yes

"Hey, what the hell do you mean by that?" I asked

"I'll be home schooled for the next few weeks... My dad is having reinforcements guarding me but... I don't feel safe without you. I want you to sneak into my house today" I heard him say

"If you're gonna have bodyguards how am I supposed to sneak in?" I asked furrowing my brows

"Well... I think I figured something out... I just wanna know if you'd do it or not"

"Hell yeah I'm gonna do it" I grunted as I got up and went back to my room. "So run me down on your plan"

"Alright... I want you to sneak in before 5, that's when the guards come in place. You can sneak through my window by climbing up a ladder and some rope I'm going to have set up for you"

"Then how do I get out?" I asked him

"Well, you can stay the night and go home in the morning when the guards are gone" he suggested

"Are you okay with that?" I asked, peeking outside of my room to see what Hannah was doing

"If I'm not I wouldn't be asking dummy" I heard him chuckle

"Alright... talk to me more about it. I'm getting ready now" I said

I packed my school backpack with homework and clothes, and my essentials too. Toothbrush, small towel, underwear... I should be fine. Oh, and a snack bar in case I can't get food from Kory. I got into tight black jeans and grey hoodie over my t-shirt, if I wanna make a move I better go now

I walked out of my room and locked it behind me, perfectly 4.30. I gotta run

"Hannah you're staying with Cyrus until dad gets home, behave okay?" I said ruffling her curly hair

"Where is Jayie going?" She asked me

"Yeah, and why are you wearing that? Its hot as hell outside" Cyrus said to me

"I can't say, but tell dad I won't be home tonight. Thanks Cy" I said, walking out of the apartment

Immediately the second I got out of the building I started to run towards Kory's house, keeping my phone and knife in my pocket where I could access easily

Cyrus was right, it was so damn hot. The sun was about to set but its still burning. Fuck, Kory. If only I didn't fall in love with you. I ran over a couple of blocks, hopping over his neighbor's fences before crouching down behind his white wooden fence. Dammit why am I crouching next to a dumpster in his neighbor's yard

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