Chapter 2

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I flipped my pen around as I watched the clock tick slowly, as I listened to the lecture my teacher gave. If I looked to my left, I would've seen my friends with their phone underneath their table. And to my right, I would've seen my friends quietly giggling as they talked about the teacher. Sometimes I just, wonder. How do these people even pass class. They never paid attention to what the teachers taught them, they don't study seriously either.

I could understand cheating during tests, but this is the most elite class in school. The class where everyone is cut throat with their score rivalry. And yet, it's like I'm the only one who sees them slacking off. I'm the only person who sees them talking behind the teachers back. Or maybe the teachers were just ignorant to their abhorrent behavior.

The teacher was soon quiet, after giving us all assignments to work on. Since I had turned in mine early, I could let my mind wander for the remaining so and so minutes. I had to do a speech this morning, receiving an award for winning a city-wide math contest. I won first, of course, and had to give a speech about it and all that. Was it inspirational enough? Hm, I guess it wouldn't had matter anyway. If my classmates wouldn't even listen to the teacher, what are the odds they'll listen to me? Well... I guess it would've been good practice for me in the future. Fine, I'll do better next time and actually rehearse it until I don't stutter. All I could think about now is showing my medal to my dad when I get home. I hope... I can brighten his day with it

The silence was broken by the bell once more, and the teacher allowed them to get up and go home. After the class was empty I began to sweep the floors once again, recounting what the teachers had taught me earlier. I was sweeping the floor backwards towards the door, and I jumped when I felt my back bumping into something. As I quickly turned around I saw Zaire leaning on the doorway

"Zaire! You startled me..." I chuckled to him. Well, he was here pretty early. What gives, huh?

I heard him chuckle, and he got the whiteboard eraser and helped me clean up. "Heh, sorry for that. I wanted to help you out" He spoke to me as he began to clean the note filled board

"Well... Thank you for helping, but I really don't think it's necessary Zaire..." I had to say as I brought the dirt and filth into the dustpan

"Why is that?" He asked, leaning on the whiteboard

"It's my class and my responsibility, you don't have to help"

I heard him scoff slightly in response. Though it was one of those playful, smirking scoffs. "I wanna help you out, that's all"

Huh, what a nice guy. Well, as nice as someone would be if they needed something from me. I hope he wasn't doing it just to get something out of me... Weren't you, Zaire?

"I guess, if you insist then I can't stop you. I'll be done in a minute" I said before I threw away the dirt into the bin.

Yeah, I should just hurry up already. How bad is it if I kept him I waiting on me? That'd be stupid, Kory. You know that.

"Alright" Zaire said as he placed the eraser back where it belongs. He waited for me to put the cleaning stuff away, just standing by the door. Good thing he's handsome, or else him staring at me while I finish would've looked creepy. I mean, it would be for anyone else but... I just like the attention, I suppose

I walked out with him towards the pickup spot where my driver was waiting. I walked to my car once, then got inside

"I saw you give your speech today... Pretty cool if I say so myself. Do you not get stage fright?" He asked me

Between Us - Kory and ZaireWhere stories live. Discover now