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I'm not currently at my house and I'm not quite sure how to use this laptop so this chapter hasn't been properly edited but that will get done when I get home. I'm going to go ahead and post it because it's been literally forever and by this time there is no excuse for it. I hope it's still an okay chapter and everything. I love you all!

It wasn't until around two a.m. that I moved again. My phone started ringing, the basic ringtone cutting through the silence. I glanced over, picking it up and answering slowly when I saw that it was my best friend. 

"Hey," I spoke, flinching at how unbelievably tired I sounded. I hadn't really done anything that day but lay there and I sincerely hoped it was just a lack of movement that made my voice so groggy. 

"Hayley, baby, you know how much I love you, right? Cause you know it's a big fucking lot, but you and Taylor need to work out whatever it is that's going down between you two cause quite honestly it's awkward as hell when Taylor and I are just sitting in his house and like staring at your corpse or something. You either need to trust him or stop throwing yourself at him and making him take care of you." I hadn't heard her say that much at once in over a month and I actually had to pause to consider her being sober, but that was very unlikely. She was probably just high on something other than meth. 

"I don't throw myself at him, at least I don't try to. I honestly wish he wouldn't take care of me like he does. He's probably killed a bunch of people and I'm kind of scared of him. I can't help that he takes me to his house whenever I pass out." I replied, my voice still sounding weak, like I just woke up.

"Don't pass out, fucktard. And please, you're lucky he takes as good care of you as he does. You'd be dead or at least have like a fucking bashed in face if it weren't for him. I don't love him either but you do owe him a lot. He goes out of his way for you more than he should. That's beside the point, though. The point is that I love you with all my heart but I have a life and I'm tired of spending it sitting on a chair in my drug dealer's house watching you be knocked out on a sofa." She didn't sound angry, but more of a pissed off aggravation was backing her voice. It was a pretty safe bet that she wasn't actually mad at me but she was choosing to take it out on me which was nothing new. I was just glad that she wasn't yelling yet. 

"Okay," I said softly. It really was no one's fault but mine that I kept passing out everywhere and Taylor was doing me a huge favor by taking care of me. Besides, he'd only really been violent around me twice and one of those times was because somebody hurt me. The other time I don't even know what happened. I didn't want to ask. In any case it wasn't fair to make Sarah-Beth waste her time watching over me. "I'll tell him some time today that if he ever feels the need to care about me again not to involve you."

"Thank you. I guess I'll talk to you again in a little bit once Jeanette and I work out when we're hanging out again. She was saying something about having a movie night some time. Doesn't that sound fun? Just the the five of us, some beers, and a marathon of horror movies? Those are the best, are they not? Besides, her parents are out of town next weekend." There wasn't any trace of annoyance in her voice anymore and she had just become a worn out kind of excited. There was something I didn't quite get though. 

"Five?" I asked unsurely. 

"Yeah, of course. It's going to be me, you, Jeanette, Nicki, and Taylor, right?" She said and my eyelids flew open. I had to hold tighter to my phone to keep from dropping it.

"I didn't know Taylor was a permanent installation to our group. I was under the impression you didn't particularly like him." I tried to keep th panicked sound from my voice. I couldn't tell what it was that made the idea of hanging out with Taylor seem so unnerving. 

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