Chapter Twenty Nine

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Zachary's Point of View

With Imani, he didn't need to wait months or even weeks to determine the intensity of what he felt for her. He had known right away and just one week was enough to cement it. How perfect had it been when they had gotten so drunk off that aged scotch which had caused them to make rash decisions resulting into marriage. It was a blessing how that had turned out.

His instincts were always right and he made sure to follow them every time, no mater how outlandish it seemed. That was the mindset he had gone about to amass his large fortune. He always trusted his gut instinct and his had always known that Imani was the right woman for him after the first couple of interactions they had.

The only problem was that she had eaten too deep into the deadly noise around her and questioned people and feelings no matter how genuine they were. And he didn't blame her, he wanted to hurt everybody who made her feel small. He wanted to shelter her, to keep her in a safe little bubble that she wouldn't know no pain or hurt, just happiness. That was why after he had seen the deplorable conditions of where she lived, he didn't care but was after changing her living arrangements. She deserved to be spoilt silly, she deserved beautiful things forever and he was willing to shower it all on her.

You could say that he was an all or nothing kind of guy. She only needed to stretch her arms out to him and he would come blazing for her.

Time and time again, she kept flooring his advances and she continued protesting day in, day out that she didn't belong to him, that he wanted to control her, was trying to — which was far from it. He didn't want to control her, he wanted to empower her, to show her that she was a formidable force to be reckoned with.  That was his wife.

Sometimes, he caught glimpses of the woman that she was. Imani was strong, resilient and proud. He admired all of this and more about her, her beauty was the sprinkles on an already perfect cake. All he wanted was for her to know that she could be not to high-strung around him and l he was going to be there to help her.

Zachary knee she didn't want to allow herself depend on him, and he was always, always reminded that he wasn't the boss of her which he never understood because she was under his payroll after all. He owned the company she worked at, what did being a boss constitute of if not this?

For the disciplinary meeting, he had wanted her to come to him first before it begun, which was the reason why he had delayed it to the close of work. After Toni had come to complain to him, he expected her to follow immediately or call or at least send him a text message telling him what happened, and if she wanted him to interfere. But she did neither and he didn't want to be the one to make the first move because he was afraid she wouldn't take it so well.

When it was getting too late to put off the meeting and with his own demanding schedule, he was forced to call for Human Resources and told them to summon her in for the meeting. She came in and all she had to do was look him in the eyes, there and then, to let him see that she needed him, wanted help. That was all and all bets would be off. He wouldn't even care for whatever circumstantial evidence they had and he would immediately fire Toni for incompetence — as that was a long time coming and had been put off for a number of reasons — but she didn't. Instead her face, and her body language was rigid and cold. She barely acknowledged anybody in the room, not to talk of himself, until the verdict was read by Pat. Which pissed Zachary off so much he had to school his features from the rash and unexpected judgement. As soon as he got rid of Toni, Pat was next.

Zachary was not normally supposed to be at an HR meeting. They were supposed to do their thing and then present the minutes of the meeting to him and he would judge if what they had done was fair or not, and most likely their cases were always fair. Which was why he hadn't tried to micromanage before it begun. He only sat to oversee as was required sometimes.

He wanted to sit back and watch Pat handle this like the professional Zachary though he employed. With every word from Pat's mouth, Zachary wanted to boot the man out of the room. It only sucked he was wearing loafers and Imani was going off on their asses — welp, his included. See, this was why he had wanted to make public the news of their marriage but Imani had begged him not to. Even if Imani wasn't his wife, he didn't like this kind of behaviour of his employee.

The verdict that Pat (the Human Resource guy) has made shocked him also because he hadn't know, he should have asked, now he realized. Sure it might seem like he was undermining their work but dammit this was his wife, screw it, and anyway he owned the company so he could behave however he chose.

He hadn't thought that the man would be so biased and he was going to deal with them later and have them definitely fired for such an unprofessional act but first he had to have it fixed with Imani.

What else did she want for him to do? Was it until he tore out his heart and serve it to her on a gold encrusted platter so she could see and hear that it only functions properly at the sound and sight of her?

He wasn't one for poetry, life in business had taught him harshly that you either speak out straight facts with sure optimism and work towards your goal or you will become a doormat to people. The only way he knew how to behave was the way he had used to establish his company, and it hadn't been meek, he had tried to use the same intrinsic behaviour he knew how and then some, with Imani but she kept fighting him along the way.

Since it was beginning to look like he was forcing things, that he was trying to make her uncomfortable he didn't like it. He didn't like her discomfort, so he felt to break it off was the answer at this point. He didn't want to, hadn't thought he would be the one to intimate a break up, but he hated that she was feeling this way, not even around him could he stand to watch her suffer.

They were going to get a divorce although it was something he didn't want to happen, there was no point trying so much for someone who wasn't interested in putting efforts. He was going to let her go no matter how much it would hurt him in the process.


Thank you for reading! I apologize about the late chapter update. I've been trying to make this chapter longer but I don't know why it's just stuck staying short and I didn't want to put off this upload this week because I know there are some of you who have been anticipating this chapter. So please, bear with me today.

I really love reading all of your comments and just know that they make me smile. Thank you!

See you in the next! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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