Chapter Nine

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"Right, I clearly remember telling you to stay," and she had made it crystal that she called her job more than this CEO that she didn't understand what she has to do with him, didn't understand where this was going but she was beginning to have a deja vu moment about it. It reminded her of a K-drama, excuse her for referencing so much to them but her life was becoming a huge mess and she was like an helpless heroine who needed a bug cry and lots of love; sugary-sweet like. Still caught in her monologue, she quickly caught the tail end of Zachary changing subject. Thank God he did.

"Have you had lunch yet?" she heard him say. Lunch, Ha! What a word, what a very rare word on this frustrating day. What she would do to have her get out of this office chair she was in and get down to get a big hearty piece of burger and some fries. Dreaming about it, she began to internally cry. To oust Toni or not to?

"Um no, my boss doesn't want me to have lunch yet. He's punishing me for coming in late." she might sound like a big baby that she can be but it really wasn't unfair. Why was her boss punishing her so much just for coming in a few minutes later. It was just a few minutes and not like he was present, work-wise, he was busy humping the life of one of his "toys". Just as she was about to further her complaints, she heard the elevator to the floor she was on 'ding' just as she heard a loud bubblegum pop. It was a very dramatic moment. As she raised her head to see who it was that was so uncouth in such a professional atmosphere, a package hit her desk.

The recipient that just offloaded the unknown package on we desk sneered at her. It was a gawky girl not older than 19 who was dressed in a delivery outfit. She looked around Imani, eyeing the office with a disinterested look on her face and if not for Imani studying her eyes she wouldn't have known that her eyes sparked in appreciation but quickly she had replaced it with a bland uninterested look.

"Yes?" Imani asked removing the office phone from her ear as she quickly told Zachary to hold on, then turned her attention to the rude girl.

"I'm here to deliver a package, obvs!" the girl chimed in a throaty voice - that of an overactive smoker - as she rapidly chewed on her gum.

"Obviously," Imani corrected. "But to whom?" she enunciated like she will to a child.

"To whom?" the girl scoffed like she has never heard someone sound so curt. She hasn't and wasn't used to it. This was her first time working a shift that had gotten her to come over and deliver a package to this overly big organisation. What she will do to find herself a 'Daddy' working here.

"Yes," Imani said looking at her name tag as she read the name off. "Trish, to whom?"

Trish first properly eyed Imani before she then made a show of trying to get the package to read the contents off of it. "It's to a Dave - Davis. Imani Davis,"

Imani perked up. Who could possibly send her a package. "From?" she asked.

Trish looked like she was about to spit her pink bubblegum into Imani's eyes. Yeah, she was that frustrated. Then she read it again, "A, ZR."

"ZR?" Imani asked wondering what kind of initial that is. Who does she know bearing that name? Who? Nothing was coming to her head so she looked at Trish hoping she would shed more light on it. Trish though looked like she was about to sucker punch Imani in the balls. The only problem was that Imani has a pussy.

"Yes, ZR or you're about to ask me who this ZR is?" Imani was about to cut her but had to rethink it. Although this delivery girl is younger than her by years, she still looked like she could deliver a painful blow.

"No, it's fine. I'll sign it and you can get out of here," Trish did a mighty eye roll as she thrust the clipboard at Imani to sign on. Just as Imani finished and was about to hand it off to Trish, she had hijacked it back.

"You lucky ass bitch," she spat as she left to the elevator. Which made Imani wonder if she had actually checked the contents of the package before delivering it.

It was when Trish left the floor that was when Imani realised that she had actually left the whole of the CEO on hold! Hold! Who? Who was she to put him on hold. Imani felt like banging her head against the package. Hard.

She thought to call him back but she didn't know. From what she had heard, the CEO normally has a busy schedule and wasn't found on dear as often as you'd like. Either he was busy work wise or was busy being romantically involved with a woman.

Another woman!

Just as the red light flashed in Imani's head, her heart skipped a beat. She had come so close to having sex with someone who had commitment phobia.

Close. That realisation got the warning gongs going wild in her head. 'What has she gotten herself into?' She had allowed things to go wild between her and her boss' boss. Where the hell did all her office etiquette flee to? I think part of the office 101 rule book.


Then she noticed the rectangle box again that Trish had come to deliver to her. Being the curious cat that she was, she grabbed a pen and began to puncture the cello-taped package, as she unravelled the packaging, that was when she saw and her eyes couldn't believe what she came into contact with. As she opened the box, she saw a glittering piece getting caught in the light.

It was as earth shattering as it was simple. A ring, like a proper engagement ring. Nothing louder than a gasp could escape her mouth. Now she knew who ZR is and she and him needed to critically have a talk.

Author's Note:
Y'all are the best for sticking through to me! You ARE THE BOMBB!! I know I've taken ages with this UPDATE and I keep on saying this in every author's note but it's really not easy. I have my last year of University to deal with and my work load had increased times a thousand. I struggle so hard that I forget I have a wattpad account.

Enough about me though, I hope you all are good. And I hope you like this update! 💛💛

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