Chapter Six

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"Wh-what?" Imani choked on her spit as her eyes immediately zoomed to her left hand ring finger looking at the ugly green ring on her finger. The ugliest she had ever seen. Suddenly the blurred out image of her saying "gimme green. It's the colour of your eyes," flashed in her head. She wanted to puke. The ring was like a band of thorns on her finger. Whatever had made her choose something so repulsive.

Her gaze drifted to Zachary's finger. It was a black band to and at least even though it was ugly and looked like it didn't belong on his finger, it was my least better than hers. She didn't know why but she wondered why he had chosen black?

"You heard me the first time Imani," he said coolly. And if not for the way his fists tightened by his side, she wouldn't have known how angry he was. "Why are you naked here? What did we do last night Imani!" he literally growled out her name .

Her head pounded as she tried to recollect whatever had happened the night before and why she felt her brain was going to pound out of its skull?

All I remember is the um, coffee shop," she said as she tried to recollect the past events. "Then we entered a car, bright lights, loud music, clinking of many bottles-" they 'kissed! Oh my God, she kissed him first. Imani's eyes widened from the revelation as she looked at Zachary gulping nervously, she started it! He really was going to kill her for sure this time.

"What? What is it?" he questioned impatiently the question directed at her stopping.

"Um," she stuttered dragging the bed sheet even further up her chest as if covering her nakedness from his dark gaze. "I don't remember much. Don't you remember anything?"

"If I did," he said exasperated, angrily pushing his hair out of his eyes, "Will I be asking you?"

"Oh," she slumped against the headboard of the bed wondering how they had gotten to this and why she felt oh so sore down below. Did they? Perhaps, did they? - did they have sex?

Her mind started to go haywire. "Did we have sex?" she questioned him, her tone sharp as Zachary looked at her perplexed.

"I don't think we did. Did you have sex with me?" he said as if that made sense. Imani scoffed,

"Who's stronger here?" there was no way she would have jumped his bones first. It wasn't as if she couldn't do it. She would but Zachary seems like the kind of man that if he wasn't up to, he would stop her immediately. She initiated their kiss she couldn't remember much of but she knew she wasn't the one that put him into her.

"Okay. We have to calm down and try to think back to how we could have gotten this rings. It can't be," he coughed, "marriage rings. They are so cheap and fake. I don't think I would have willingly stayed as you slid the rings on my finger. We have to get things-" I heard the blaring ring of my phone going off cutting him off mid speech, I immediately dived for it, hoping the caller would supply some answers to our clueless selves.

Zachary was so dishevelled, his always coiffed helped back hair looking a mess, falling over his eyes.

Finding her phone, she slid to answer blindly as Zachary watched her movement.
"Hello?" she croaked on the phone from feeling his eyes on her.

"Miss Davis!" came the scream of a very familiar voice. Confirming the caller ID, she cursed loudly.

"Pleasant of you to show me how much you care Miss Davis. Tell me the reason why for the past 30 minutes I've been trying to call for coffee and when I do try your goddamned number, you're using a bedroom voice for me!!?"

She immediately sat upright clearing her throat as Zachary looked at her confusion on his face. "Sorry sir, but today's Saturday and I don't work on weeken-"

"Today's Saturday?" she could practically hear Toni's loud growl from over the phone. "In case your little brain has forgotten and you had been so busy yesterday of which details I DO NOT care about, let me remind you that today is in fact a Thursday and if you're not at work in 15 minutes time, say bye bye to the precious little job of yours," Toni ended on a sarcastic note.

At the end, Imani was shooting up from the bed quickly gathering her strewn clothes and even her underwear of which she quickly swept off the hotel room floor. She already ignored the presence of Zachary and was at work of handling the phone on her ear as she swept her clothes from the floor while struggling to clasp the bed sheets to her naked body.

"Yes sir," she answered of which she didn't complete as Toni already hung up on her. Just as she turned to toss the phone to her bed and enter the bathroom to clean herself up, a hand gripped her arm firmly, halting her.

Looking up in surprise, she saw Zachary. "Oh, sorry about that but my boss just called and I have to get to work soon...unless I lose my job."

Zachary looked at her like he didn't understand what the hell she was talking about. "But I'm your boss and I want you here." he said as if that was supposed to put her mind at ease.

"No," she shook her head. "You're my boss's boss technically, I received orders from the one under you, not you. My own boss will have my behind if I don't get to work soon." she said freeing her arm from his hold as she rushed to the bathroom.

"What about the rings?" he asked her before she shut the door.

"I don't know. Maybe we'll talk about it later. Or maybe-never." she finished as she slammed the door shut firmly behind her.


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