Chapter Twenty One

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She woke up a bit disoriented. Sunlight was shining unfiltered and she could feel it on her skin. The bed felt so plush and unlike the one she normally slept in. Plus the smell of this place was strange. It was unlike the musty smell that always lingered in her apartment due to the leaky pipes. This room smelt like fresh flowers and a strong brew of coffee.

It was when she blinked her eyes open that she saw the direction from which the sunlight had been filtering in from. Removing the crust from her eyes, she finger-combed her hair out of her eye, as she saw the bedroom in a new light just as a loud knock echoed on the door.

"Yes?" She said in a loud voice or tried — when it came out as a croak, she cleared her throat and tried again.

"It's Zachary, can I come in?" Came his deep voice from behind the door.

Imani remembered that she had locked the door on an impulse yesterday.

"Hold on, hold on!" she said as she ambled to the door. "I'll unlock the door but first you can't come in until I tell you to do so, okay?" She said in a rush. She wasn't dressed decently as is and she was nervous for him to see her like this.

"Uh, sure." He said. She deftly unlocked the door and then flew back to the bed causing an almighty sink in the middle of the mattress. She even hit her head against the headboard but it was slight so she shrugged it off. If the bed could talk, it would be spitting expletives at the impact of her body on the bed. She was even afraid she broke the railing but was in a haste than concerned right now.

She quickly dragged upwards the olive green velvet quilt up her body. It wasn't like she was dressed indecently. She hadn't been comfortable to dress in a skimpier attire to keep and instead had settled for a long and oversized shirt. It was an outfit that was quite decent but she had slept braless and maybe it was because she was just waking up from sleep or the sound of his voice, she would plead the former, her nipples were pebbles and she could feel them poke against the material of the shirt.

"Come in." She said as she was done, and then brushed through her curls. She had forgotten to sleep with a bonnet so her hair was now what resemble a rats nest. She hoped finger combing it as furiously as she was doing would help tame it. She knew that it was unlikely but a girl could hope.

He opened the door tentatively — if it was her door, it would have made a loud creaking noise from here to the next country — but this door swung open effortlessly.

"Hi," he said as he came in, peeking his head in first before the rest of his body and what he was holding followed. He was looking as immaculate as always. He was dressed already in a burgundy button down shirt and black slacks.

"Good morning." She replied not knowing whether she should remain in bed as he came closer or stand up or something. She had to quickly settle for remaining where she was.

"Did you sleep well?" He had now gotten to the foot of the bed, balancing the tray in his hand as he smiled down on her. He loved to smile so much - she wasn't complaining because he had a really beautiful smile with his pearly whites and straight teeth. Who could say no to that?

"Yes, I did. How about you?" She replied, equally smiling back even though she felt and looked crusty as compared to him. She just hoped he didn't try to get any closer, because her breath.

"I slept well, thank you for asking!" After a few beats of them looking at the other, he cleared his throat and looked down on the tray in his hands. "I brought you breakfast."

"Thank you!" She told him as he placed the bed tray down on the bed. It was a full platter of fruits, milk, pancakes, sausage and syrup. Plus a steaming bag of tea.

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