Chapter Three

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"Your name is?" he asked her immediately she sat down, nervously wringing her fingers she answered not meeting his eyes.

"Imani," she said.

"Imani," he said as if testing her name on his lips. It seemed like an örgasm the way it rolled off his tongue. She felt the need to continue telling him to continue saying her name, to never stop.

"Yes sir," she answered still unnerved by the sound of her name on his lips. He cleared his throat as she replied.

"That's a good name, Imani. Are you from around here." again. He said her name. She feared she was going to combust into a billion flying pieces of he doesn't stop saying her name, that way!

Okay, she had to stop. She was going crazy. It's just a name. Just a name. Her name wasn't any special. It was just her name, yes. Just Im—

"Imani!" she shot immediately from the couch turning her back on her boss.

"I'm sorry, I have to leave. Something came up. Mr Lloyd needs me in the office. I heard him call my name." mumble and stuttering to herself, she started to move out of his office, well as fast as she could.

She tried to but Mr Ross had other plans for her.

She was stunned when he dragged her back by her arm turning her around to him just as her hair whipped around, looking like a scene from one of the k-drama's she invested her weekend watching.

"Sir," escaped in a gasp as she burned under his heated stare, one of his hands on her arm and the other pushing her closer as he snaked his arm around the thick span of her hips. Whenever did it get there? Was it possible that after her mentioning "sir," his eyes got even more heated and it felt like a laser tag from his eyes burned down on her.

She was getting hotter but didn't want to leave this heat.

What is wrong with her.

"Why did you run?" he asked his husky voice charging more, igniting the fire burning her from within, she couldn't look away.

"I-I—" she couldn't even say anything. Her lips kept puckering like a fish but nothing was coming out. How was a man like him rendering her speechless? She always pride herself of being quick to retort, always have something or two to say on someone but with Zachary, she grew dumb and deaf.

He moved her closer to him, his hands opening and now full on her behind. He didn't squeeze, he didn't spank, he just put it there as if wanting her to be more aware of his hold on her. Imani was already too aware of this man, too aware that she wasn't aware, if that made sense that is.

"Imani, I want you to go out with me, this night in fact. What do you say to that? Say yes." there goes that. Even if she wanted to say no, she couldn't say no because her he had demanded her to go with him and she had to say a yes least she got fired and she didn't want to disappoint her boss or get fired so, yes, she had to say a yes.

Okay, that was just a stupid excuse. She had her mind, she could say no if she wanted, could walk out of his hold on her, but would Because she was intrigued by this man and wanted more of him. And if that more included them both on a bed and him pounding into her, then sure.

Her "Yes," came out in a breathy moan. How needy and slütty that sounded.

Smiling, the one that disarmed her like now, he released her. Imani felt like someone had doused her body in hot scalding water. She immediately felt cold from the burn.

As she tried to get hold of her footing, he was striding back to his desk.

"I'll see you later then," then turning back as if knowing what her name on his lips did to her, he smirked, "Imani," her knees buckled underneath her and she struggled not to fall face flat on the ground.

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