Chapter Two

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Once upon a time--fuçk that--when Imani had been coming up the elevator to work one fine ass morning, holding a cup of scalding hot coffee his royal aśsery(Toni that is) had demanded her to get him a cup of black coffee with 4 sugars in it and cream. Yes, she had had to have that filled and now she was handling the hot cup with care because she had a very bad feeling about how it was going to end up, and that was not with Toni seeping on it, rather with it poured somehow on her, so you should see how she held the cup like a piece of egg that SHOULDN'T be broken.

So yes, Imani had gotten on the elevator that would take her to the 9th floor. She was all alone and hoped she was going to be because staff entering the elevators where like vicious swarm of flies who didn't care of the person in it until they were comfortably in the elevator. So that means they could push you, squeeze you in the box like sardine and wouldn't care. Today that she was all alone which was rare, Imani was relieved for that.

Just as she got to the 6th floor, just three more to go, and the elevator stopped to allow someone in it. Like a bad nightmare, the door creaked open to reveal—seven people. The horror!

Imani immediately started shifting to the forefront to stay away from these people in suits who were too rowdy and shoved too much.

Bad idea. They all pushed and pushed her in til she was at the back and the coffee was sloshing dangerously in the cup, threatening to pour. Imani felt like crying because she didn't want to stain the beautiful outfit she had in which was a pink ruffled top on black and white polka dotted skirt and opened toed black heels. The outfit did well to enhance her thick body and made her feel good and she didn't want to end up crying about the mess the coffee would make on it.

Okay, okay, happy thoughts.

She chided herself for being so pessimistic about it and began to go through the loud people hoping to get to the front seeing as it was about to be her stop soon and she didn't know if they were going to get off on the same place as her or on other floors above and Toni liked his coffee hot. She didn't want to have to make two trips for him.

As she pressed through and stepped on toes not even apologising as she went, she finally got to the front door just about when the door dinged open. Giddy she was about to get off, and was starting to when the elevator rumbled and she was falling forward. Stumbling, trying to catch the coffee from falling on behalf of the ground, she screamed as it came down on a person. Not her, another person that happened to be a man and was waiting for the elevator.

Upon closer inspection and she saw he was very pissed. Who wouldn't be? Thankfully, it hadn't gotten on his suit but rather in his expensive looking shoes.

Imani bit her lip nervous as the cup and it's remaining content slid to the ground.

"Oops," she shrugged eyeing the cup on the ground. Now she had to get another one, all what she had been trying to avoid.

"Oops? Just a oops? Do you see what you did? I have coffee? Hot black coffee all over my ruined shoes!" Imani finally properly looked at the whiner to find his green eyes on the mess she made. She was felt cut short by his strong jawline on a beautiful face.

"It's not "all over your shoes"" she said finger-quoting as she did, "Like you said, It's just on a small part of your shoe. Chill," all the whiny kids getting hurt just over a small stain that could be cleaned up if they really wanted. But nooo, this one had to make a big fuss over it--not like he was a baby. He and the kind of face Imani liked. The one too pleasing to pass up on a good fück.

"Chill? I have a meeting? How do you expect me to go to a meeting without shoes? Why did you even spill coffee on me?" and a voice that promised wicked seduction although right now was annoying as fück.

"It wasn't like that was my fault, you obviously saw that it was the elevators, not mine so don't hold me responsible." Imani rolled her eyes skyward turning back to the elevator to fund out that it was still where it was. It hadn't moved and Evey single person in it was watching her, rather them, mouths wide open.

"What?" Imani barked at them and as if realising they had been caught, someone made the move to press the elevator button and the door closed, not before someone else offered an apology.

"Sorry about that Mr Ross." and the door were shut close. Imani had wanted to follow that elevator but now she would have to follow the next on her left which looked busy, how would she—MR. ROSS??!

Wasn't Mr Ross the name of the owner of the company she worked in?

No. She chuckled clutching her hand bag tightly to her. Shaking her head. It can't be. That was absolutely impossible.


"Mr Ross? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" looking at the direction where the voice had come from, she saw more men in suit, the kind that tagged along with important officials, like with the CEO of a company. Looking at the stranger she had accidentally spilled coffee on. Just as the four men started to run towards them. The next elevator stopped and she immediately rushed in pressing the down button as fast as she could before they come to get her. Or worse still, kill her.

Just as the elevator doors started to slide closed, she caught the panicked green eyes, and later amusement, of Mr Ross and she prayed never to have to come in contact with him ever again.

Because of him, she had to get another coffee from blocks away and also had to get heaps of more work from Toni because she was late. Reason why she hated this, Mr Ross.

So when Toni had given her this job, she didn't want to because she didn't want to have to see Mr Ross. But she didn't have a choice and when she had gotten to his assistant, she had hoped he wouldn't be around or something but that was not the case seeing as she saw him rise up from where he was bent over and recognise her almost immediately--even though she had hoped he would have forgotten that incident.

"Hi!" she let out a high chuckle grimacing at how she sounded so hyper.

"So, it's you, the girl that ruined my shoes and ran away without apologising." he had sat back in his chair and had his arms supporting his chin as his green eyes watched her. She briefly eyed the room noticing it's space, the great view it had of the streets and beyond and how lovely he looked and like a king sitting on his throne, the name plate glistening on his clean desk.

Zach A. Ross

"Um sorry," then she started to move into the room. "Toni Lloyd your CMO told me to give this to you. Presenting the files in front of her like a peace offering, she stepped further into the he room, tentatively placed the file on his desk while feeling him watch her and started to turn around hoping she would go scot free like this.

Too good to be true.

"Miss Davis, why don't you sit down and let's talk,uh?"

She stopped, turning back to Mr Ross wide eyed.

"Sir?" because she didn't think she had heard correctly what he said. Talk? What about?

She could swear she saw a spark of something in his eyes but it was gone too fast and she missed whatever it meant.

"Why don't you come here to seat first?" standing from where he was, he started to walk to a comfortable looking sofa that was placed right in the middle of the room, his work desk overlooking it.

"I-" Imani pointed at the door, about to make a break for it and run, her palms were growing sweaty and she really wanted to avoid whatever situation was going on between them. "I really have to go sir, Mr Lloyd is expecting me to be back at this moment."

"Lloyd is on my payroll, so are you. Sit your aśs down if you still want to have a job at the end of today, capishe?"

Without any sound, she sat her aśš down like he ordered her to and was rewarded by a bedazzling smile that promised so much more than it was letting on.

A shark. A real sexy shark this man is.

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