:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Seven

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“What do you want to eat?”

            “I get to choose?”

            “Not if you don’t answer me within the next ten seconds.”

            I blanked at Vincent, trying desperately to think of something I wanted to eat. Nothing was coming to mind. “Um, chicken?” I finally asked, more than said.

            Vincent snorted. “Chicken? Really?”

            “I-I can choose something else then,” I murmured, biting my lip. Did he have to be such a jerk?

            “Oh come on, it was a joke. You know, since you act like a chicken.” Vincent rolled his eyes as he moved towards the fridge. “Are you always like that?”

            “Like what?”

            “So passive.”

            A frown crossed my face. “I’m not passive. I just—”

            “Shut up.”

            I abruptly shut my mouth, grinding my teeth in annoyance. What a jerk!

            “See? Passive,” Vincent pointed out. “If you weren’t you wouldn’t have shut up just then, would you?”

            “Actually, I would, since you’re a fricking vampire who could kill me if I didn’t obey you!” I snapped back at him, feeling my cheeks warm up in embarrassment.

            He smirked at me. “Passive and yet feisty. You don’t get many vampires like that around here. Most are just flirtatious whores that want you because of your status.”

            I blinked at his harsh words, yet amused face. “I…”

            “Do you want any seasoning on your chicken?” he asked, changing the subject.

            “You actually have chicken?”

            He gave me an “are-you-stupid?” look. “It’s not like we try to starve to death. I thought you already knew we ate regular food too? Or are you as stupid as you look and forgot already?”

            Would it kill him to be nice for three seconds? “I’d like seasoning… Please,” I added as a second thought. “So if you guys eat human food, why do you need blood to survive?”

            “We don’t make enough blood to keep ourselves alive,” Vincent responded simply.

            That threw me off guard. “But aren’t you dead?”

            Vincent’s head snapped towards me and he gave me the glare he gave me when we first met. My breath caught in my throat and I took a step back, suddenly terrified of the vampire before me. After a few seconds he set his jaw and relaxed, closing his eyes for a moment. I tried to relax as well, but found I couldn’t calm my heart.

            “We’re not dead,” he told me calmly.

            “Y-you’re not?”

            Without warning, he was in front of me, barely an inch away. My eyes grew wide as I took in his emerald orbs. His cool hand gripped my roughly. I tried to pull it away, but he held it tight, making me wince.

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