:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 12] //A Vampire Romance//

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"How was work?" Will asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Same old, same old," Dustin and I replied simultaneously.

A smile spread onto my lips.

"I heard that the workers that quit at your place still haven't been replaced," Will commented while staring at the road ahead of him.

"Yeah," I said, staring at the dark trees as they passed by in a blur.

I caught glimpses of a house in the distance when there was a break in the dense forest. A hand on my shoulder made me turn towards Will.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, his eyes leaving the road for a second to look at me. "I know you are still getting over your sickness..."

"I'm feeling fine." I turned my attention to road. Something black jumped into the road, only a few feet away. "Will, watch out!" I screamed, seizing the steering wheel and yanking it hard to the left, making the car swerve off the road.

The car began to lean to the right, and I fell against the window. Gravity was trying to pull me down, so the seatbelt began to dig into my chest as I reached out my hands to steady myself. That's when the car began to roll. I screamed, terrified as the car continued to roll down what seemed to be a steep bank. I could hear Dustin and Will both yelling as well.

I thought I was going to be sick. The tossing feeling, plus the trepidation of the awaiting impact, was sure to make someone get sick. I could hear glass shattering and feel myself slipping in my seat as miscellaneous items from the dashboard and visors began to rain down on me. I held my breath and waited for impact.

It was quieter then I thought it was going to be, more like a dull thud with more glass shattering then the deafening explosion I was expecting. But the impact was still rough. I was tossed forward in my seat, my seatbelt digging into my chest and I clocked my head on the dash. Glass descended down on me as I covered my head with my hands.

I heard Will groan from beside me, and struggled to push myself up. It was a difficult task, seeing as how my seat belt was the only thing keeping me from falling onto the roof of the car. I tried to catch my breath as I scrambled to get a grip on something. Glass cut into my hands as they slipped on the glass overlay on the dashboard. When I got myself steady I quickly turned to Will, who was slumped over the steering wheel. That and the seat belt were the only things keeping him from falling too.

"Will! Will! Hey!" I cried, taking one hand off the dashboard and reaching over to shake his shoulder.

I could hear the panic in my voice as I continued to call his name and try and wake him. Something warm ran into my eye and I shut it quickly and clasped my hand to it. It began to burn.

"Are you okay, Maddie?" Dustin's worried voice questioned from behind me, his voice was soaked in pain.

I wiped the blood off my eye, and then swept my sleeve over my forehead as I nodded carefully. "I-I... I'm okay. Are you alright?"

"I'll pull through, I'm more worried about you though," he replied in a concerned but hoarse voice. "What the hell happened?"

"Can you reach your cell phone? Call an ambulance!" I ordered, ignoring his question.

I fumbled with my injured hand with the belt buckles until I heard it unsnap. A sinking feeling washed over me and I fell onto the roof, I cushioned myself with my arms. I fumbled around until I was facing the car door, and grabbed the handle and pushed, trying to get the door opened. It wouldn't budge. I shoved again, tears streaming down my face in frustration, terror and pain.

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