:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 5] //A Vampire Romance//

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Ugh it's only Wednesday. I really hate school. I like my friends and some of my classes, but I hate waking up in the morning because I can't get to sleep until after midnight for some reason. But who actually likes waking up early? You have to be crazy. Unless you consider "early" 9am o'clock like me lol

Anyways chapter five (obviously)! haha :) Comment, vote, enjoy :D And you can message me ;)


"Well this is an unfortunate turn of events. About the locker, I mean," I told Damian as we weaved in between the crowds of students. Luckily today, the bells for classes had been modified to be a few minutes longer so the freshmen didn't feel even more nervous about getting to class on time. I was very aware at the close proximity between Damian and myself.

"I think it might be fun," Damian commented with a small, perfect, smile. "I would like to know you more, you might prove to be very interesting. Already I can tell your cute, easy-going, funny... but most of all I want to figure out if you're trust-worthy."

I froze and my face felt a little hot. "Uh, well..."

"Why are you getting all red?" Damian asked and chuckled a little. I flushed completely in embarrassment.

"I have nothing to do with it!" I retorted looking down. "The school must have just messed up with distributing the lockers, we couldn't just be the only ones."

"But you were also almost hit by my brother in his car this morning," he added quietly with a trace of a smile. "Maybe it's fate..."

Before I could say or do anything more then make a grunt of disbelief, we had made it to the art room. Damian opened the door and gestured for me to go first. Frowning, I entered and people turned to stare at me. Damian entered after me and shut the door.

I noticed that the class was made up of a few different grades, there were seniors and freshman with our junior class, but I didn't see any sophomores. A few people started whispering and a couple girls giggled. I felt Damian tense beside me and I stared at the people staring at us. I blinked at them as they all moved their eyes onto my face. Then I realized what they could be muttering about.

"I-I'm showing him around," I made up instantly so no rumors about Damian and myself would start.

A few girls gave me apprehensive looks, but others nodded while shrugging it off. At least it had worked. As soon as I thought that, the whispering started up almost as quick as it had stopped. I sighed and sat at one of the tables and rubbed my head. How could one person cause so much commotion? Perhaps it was, just as I had hoped for the other day, someone who wasn't as ordinary as everyone else who commuted to this school finally showed their face.

"What's got them all rallied up?" Damian muttered as he sat down at my table and a few girls smiled at him then giggled.

"I would guess because you are 'quote', 'unquote', 'hot'," I replied without thinking because a few of the girls, who I can't quite say I was friends with, (and in all honesty I disliked very much) were giving me dirty looks. Not that I really cared.

"Am I?" Damian asked raising his eyebrows.

It took me a few seconds to realize what I said. "That's not, I mean I don't... well maybe..." I stumbled over the words until Damian chuckled again. But, I guessed that could be another reason why all the girls were acting the way they were.

"What was that?" he asked smirking.

"You are most definitely not hot," I replied firmly. "You're a moody jerk."

"Am not." He almost sounded hurt. "I..." He paused for a second, apparently hesitating. "I don't like that math teacher." Ah.

"Mr. Black? Why? What's wrong with him? Do you know him? Did he do something to you? Oh my! A child moles-"

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