:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Thirty

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Just like before, the weather was dreary and rainy around the Rutherford Manor. With each drop of rain, I banged my head against the windowpane. Not only was it pouring, but also all the Rutherfords were busy doing something. Sebastian was doing his usual Kingly duties, Fiona was out shopping with Luella for new clothes, Solomon was out playing golf, and Vincent had gone hunting with Joel, which left me by myself.

            In and around the manor, the security had increased greatly. There were a lot of new vampires I didn’t know hanging around. I didn’t want to know them either— they were quite intimidating. So while the others were away (or in Sebastian’s case, holed up in his room) I was sitting in my old temporary room completely bored. To pass the time, I mindlessly thumped my head against the window.

            Thump. Thump. Thump.

            “You’ll get stupid doing that, you know.”

            My heart flew into my throat and I twisted around in my seat, my gaze falling on Sebastian. “Sebastian! You scared me half to death!”

            He chuckled, his green eyes twinkling in amusement. “Oh, I know.”

            “What are you doing here? I thought you had work?”

            “I can’t take a break and keep you company?” he inquired, feigning a hurt look. “Emily, you wound me…”

            I shook my head, grinning at him. “No, actually, I appreciate it. I’m really bored. No offense, but there’s nothing to do here when you’re by yourself.”

            A sad smile crossed his face. “I know. Since you’re not doing anything and I’m taking a break, would you like to talk?”

            “Talk?” I repeated. “About what?”

            “A few things,” he said vaguely. With a strong hand, he grabbed mine off my lap and gripped it, pulling me easily to my feet. “We’ll go to my room though, in case someone comes home early. I can just say you forcefully barged your way in.”

            I fake scowled at him. “Hey! That’s not fair!”

            “Life’s not fair, Em.”

             The tone behind his words wiped all expression from my face. They were bitter and cold. “Is something wrong, Sebastian?”

            A heavy sigh left his lips. “Is there ever a time where something isn’t?”

            “Um, well, I don’t know,” I responded honestly, blinking at the back of his head. “We can talk about it though.”

            “Aren’t we going to talk now?”

            “Ah, yes…”

            He threw a quick smile over his shoulder at me. “Then we’ll talk. Make yourself comfortable.”

            We reached his room in no time and I entered first, taking in the familiar room. The same brown curtains hung from the gigantic window on the opposite side of the room. The Oak colored couch was still in the same place. Even the random magazines on his little coffee table were still there. Cocking an eyebrow, I turned to look at him. “You don’t use your room much, do you?”

            “No, not so much my room. More like my office,” he informed me, pointing to a door I’d failed to notice before.


Inject Me Sweetly / Dusk Until DawnWhere stories live. Discover now