:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Thirty-Four

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As it turned out, Sebastian wasn't lying when he said there were ugly vampires. Ugly is a mean word, but it was hard to find a kind word to describe the less attractive vampires entering the ballroom. It was nice to know not all vampires were the perfect creatures that some people portrayed them as. Though, to my older self, they were just like Dracula. But Vincent had mentioned there were those vampires too...

Sighing, I slumped onto the banister I was waiting by. Before I could enter the ballroom, all the other guests had to arrive first. This, apparently, was so I wouldn't attract too much attention to myself. It wasn't working though. Every few seconds a guest from down below would glance up at me and whisper something to their date or friends. Whether they new I was human or not, I didn't know. They could've just been commenting on my dress, or hair, or that I was alone. Whatever it was, it was making me uncomfortable, but I couldn't move from the place. Solomon and Sebastian were standing at the front door, welcoming guests and keeping an eye on me.

Sebastian was looking incredibly easy on the eyes in a black tux. His hair was combed back and spiked stylishly. It made me wonder if Fiona was the one behind his new hairdo. He was definitely going to be the center of attention tonight. That meant I wasn't going to be it, fortunately.

So far Ashton hadn't shown his face. A part of me was wishing maybe he'd just ditch the ball and forget about me. Or maybe he'd suddenly got some weird vampire disease and died. Either way was okay with me. As long as he didn't show up and ruin the night. I was already nervous enough as it was. Adding him to the equation made me feel like throwing up.


"Fiona!" I gasped, my hand shooting up to my heart. "Geez! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

She giggled, batting her long eyelashes at me. "Oops."

I shook my head at her. "Shouldn't you be in the ballroom?"

"I can't come visit you?" she pouted, crossing her arms. "I thought you'd be lonely up here by yourself."

"Well yeah... but isn't it bad for your image, or whatever?"

She laughed quietly. "I don't think we have to worry about images tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"I said you'll see," she told me with a mischievous smile.

Confused, I slowly returned my attention to the vampires continuously pouring into the building. There were a lot of women in flamboyant, gaudy, poofy dresses. Not laughing at them took most of my self-discipline. Were they expecting Sebastian to fall for them while wearing that? It seemed crazy to me.

"There's a lot of hopeful girls," Fiona commented after a moment. "I almost feel bad for them..."

I nudged her in the side. "Just because you captured Sebastian's heart..."

"I'm kidding," she laughed. "They wouldn't have a chance anyway."

I flinched at her harsh words. "And her true personality emerges!"

She patted me on the shoulder. "I'm joking again. There was a time I was only an admirer of Sebastian. Just like you were only an admirer of Vincent."

"Er, I wouldn't say admirer... Truthfully, I'm not sure why I like him."


"He's mean. He's arrogant. He's a jerk... There's nothing really to like about him," I said thoughtfully, furrowing my eyebrows. "Now that I'm thinking about it, what do I like about him?"

Fiona stared at me like I was crazy. "You don't know why you like him?"

"He doesn't have a lot of good qualities," I pointed out.

Inject Me Sweetly / Dusk Until DawnWhere stories live. Discover now