Chapter 11

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Sadhvi's pov:

I saw that Niyati aunty and Neeraj uncle came to temple......
I stood up and greeted both of them good morning.

They smiled at me and aunty said

"Sadhvi beta.... You look really beautiful. May God protect you from all the evil eyes. "

I was really embarrassed and started blushing........

It is really rare for someone to praise me.
As growing up all I have ever listened about me is about my skin tone and my baby fat.

Deep in my heart I felt really happy that aunt praised me.....

I smiled widely and said "Thank you aunty. "

She said "You are really good beta... It is really rare these days for a youngster visiting temples...... I should show you as a role model for my kids. "she said pouting.

Uncle said "Haha..... Niyati you don't lose a chance scolding my darling daughter...... You can scold your son as much as you want but not my daughter. "

Aunty said "They both are mine... "

They look really cute while bickering......

I broke into laughter listening to them.... They both understood that they just behaved as kids and laughed along with me with embarrassment .

I said "Auntie uncle you both look really cute... "

They both smiled and said "God bless you beta "
Together in a voice.

I said "OK auntie I have to go home..... Bye and see you soon"

Aunt said "OK beta.... Go safely, I think you came alone? "

I smiled at her caring tone and said "Nothing to worry Auntie.I will take care of my self. "

I waved at her and walked out of the temple.

I slowly walked to my home and saw that it is already 9 in the morning.

Feeling hungry I went and ate the breakfast my mom prepared.
I washed my plate and went to room to change my clothes.

I changed into a light green Kurthi paired with red pants and took my mobile to see any notifications.

I saw that Swapna sent me some memes and found them really funny.

I messaged her
How are you?

Without waiting for her reply I started scrolling memes. As I know it is really early for her to wake up.

After that, I opened watt pad app to read some novel to pass the time.

I was completely immersed into that novel that I didn't noticed my mom who came to my room.

She cleared her throat.....

I looked at her questioningly. Because she never comes to my room.... Mostly she calls me to the living room if there is any work.

She said "Come out side..... Your Dad want to talk to you "

She just uttered those words and left the room without even waiting for my response.

I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say.....

I don't know why but I can sense some seriousness in her voice.......

I got up on my feet and started walking slowly.I don't know why but I'm really nervous....

I entered living room and saw that mom sat beside dad on sofa. They stopped talking as they saw me.

Dad signalled me to take my seat.

I slowly went and sat on a chair looking at them not understanding why they have to speak with me.

My dad cleared his throat before starting his speech....

"ummmmm..... Sadhvi we decided something about you... Hope you don't mind. "

I looked at them questioningly as I have not understood what they mean.

This time my mom hold my dad's hand and said "Beta... We got a marriage proposal for you and we said OK from our side. "

My eyes widened as I processed the information my mom just gave....

Marriage.... For me.... I think I'm really early for that responsibility and also what about my studies my dreams.

It really took a great effort for convincing them for my studies and I can't give up my studies half way.

I open my mouth to say something can suddenly remembered my parents words.....

They did not asked my opinion about marriage.... They already said yes from our side.
Which means my marriage is already settled.

I know I can't escape now but I want to give a try.... May be with God's grace they may agree.

I said "Mom I don't want to marry this early... "

But my mom immediately said " Beta... We already gave our word to them. They are really good people. You will know once you meet them. "

I now know that I'm damned.....
No one can save me now.

I said " But mom I don't think I'm ready for such a big responsibility now. And also what about my studies.... I have already completed 2 years I can't leave it in middle.... "

I pleadingly said to convince my parents.

Now dad said "Sadhvi. Don't worry about studies.... I have talked to them and they allowed you to continue your studies even after marriage. "

I know heaved a sigh in relief .......atleast I can study......

Just as I relaxed myself thinking I will mentally prepare myself for marriage and all slowly..... My mom dropped another bomb on me.

She said " Sadhvi.... They want you to get married in three days. "

I gasped.....

I almost whined and said "Mom don't you think it is really early..... "

Mom said "Beta....boys grandmother is on her deathbed her last wish is to see him married. "

Goods why meee.......

I said "Mom we don't know anything about them how can I just do that.... "

I said to convince them to drop the idea of me getting married.

But now dad told in a stern tone that "I know their family very well. Groom's dad is my close friend. He really helped me a lot when we were financially unstable during your grandfather's last days.... Now that I got a chance to repay, I hope you don't say no. "

Now I know that there is no escape for me from this situation. My dad is really a tough nut to convince. He already gave a word to them that means there is no chance to say no as answer.......

My thoughts broke as my mom patted my shoulder saying
" Don't worry beta.... They belong to a rich family and they are so good. "

As if she remembered something she said "Even boy is studying MBBS"


Hey guys....

Hope you guys love this chapter

With love
The enormous sea

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