chapter 129

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Siddarth's pov :

I woke up at my usual was already 6:30.
But I didn't get out of the bed but I moved more close to my already snuggled up wife.
I like it when she holds me close to her. I like listening to her even breaths when she sleeps peacefully it caring about anything in this world and her ponding heart when I hcome close to her.
I like her blushing cheeks when my hold tightens around her. I go crazy looks at her long locks... I like ruffling them eventhough she complains.
Honestly I even like her complaining.
She says
'Stop it Siddarth!! I just brushed my hair with much difficulty. Don't spoil them' with a pout on her mouth.
She looks so cute while saying that...and I couldn't help but caress her hair again.

I thought she was a silent person but let me say she isviolent sometimes...but it's only with me. And I like that to say honestly.
I like that she is so free with me and not thinking twice about her behaviour. She is like a while new person. If anyone's would have said Sadhvi gets mad. I would have laughed outlouder. But now I will completely agree with them.
Because she even punishes me when she is angry.
Eventhough it is a small punishment I have to pay the price heavily.
I am used he have her in my arms when I sleep and now when she is mad she orders me to sleep on the sofa. Not wanting to upset her further I go lay down there and look at her sleeping figure the whole night as I could not sleep with her beside me.
I  looked at the person who is sleeping like a baby.
I placed the few locks of her hair which fell on her face beside her ears... carefully not disturbing her sleep.
Looking at the cute pout on her lips I couldn't help but peck her lips.
I found her stirring in her sleep.
Not wanting to disturb her ' beauty sleep ' I carefully placed her on the bed as she was sleeping with her head on my shoulder....and her legs entangled with mine.  I will have to face her wrath if I disturb her sleep. I know that because I have already experienced it.
But she never listens to me... I have been saying her to sleep early but she being the fangirl which she is, watching her favourite Korean dramas forgetting the exams she will be having next month. I hate it when she admire those men... To add fuel to the fire she calls them  'OPPA' .
I got to know the meaning of it after I googled was an endearing term.
Which was enough to make me mad. But she knows how to tame me.
How much ever  I am angry on her, her one smile brightens up my mood. It makes me cheerful.
But I want her to call me with endearments. She always calls me Siddarth.
I won't deny that I like it. But I also want her to give me a cute nickname for me.
Because one day I was having this casual conversation with my gang.
Ravi asked me " What Sadhvi calls you??"
I said "Siddarth..."
And then he laughed out loud saying
"I didn't asked about that...what she calls you when you guys are alone. I mean privately..."
I frowned before saying "she calls me Siddarth all the time."

"She didn't gave any nickname for you?? Eventhough Akki calls me by my name when we are outside she comes up with mushy names like cutie hottie when we are alone. I thougheven Sadhvi is like that. I mean girls like nicknames." He said.

I shook my head trying to remove all those thoughts from my head. I quickly went for my gym to clear all these thoughts. I now don't want to be jealous of those 'oppas' too.
I never knew I was this possessive and I would get jealous this quickly.

After my workout I came back home only to greet with my beautiful wife drying her long hair.
I like them so much eventhough I never say that to her.
She smiled at me. I looked at her to see her wearing new clothes... She was looking pretty.
I wanted to ask her what's special but then I looked at the watch beside her only to panic. It was already 7 :30
I need to be at hospital early so I almost ran inside the washroom.
I quickly got ready. I came out to see Sadhvi with happiness brimming from her eyes.
I smiled looking at her. She served me food. She is looking like she wanted to say something to me. We ate breakfast quickly and sat in the car.
Just when she was about to say something my phone rang.
I excused and lifted the call as it was from Adarsh.
He said to come hospital quickly as the patient we are watching over from the past 3 days is in critical condition.
So I quickly ignited my car driving it as fastly and safely I could.
I needed to reach quickly.
When we reached I pecked her cheeks saying
"Patient is critical baby...I need to go."
Eventhough she looked upset she didn't said anything.
It was eight at night when I came home.
I messaged Sadhvi to book a cab today as I would be late.
When PG came to know the condition of the patient he was mad at us for not beingextra careful. He wanted us to check the patient every now and then and update him the progress.
Adarsh said he would look after him as Sadhvi will be alone. I looked apprehensive as he had a night duty yesterday also...can he handle it. But he assured me saying he is fine.
I thanked him and came home immediately.
I knocked the door waiting for her to open the door. But it's been nearly two minutes. What is she doing??
Is she fine??
With these thoughts running in my head I immediately latched on  my keys and opened the door only to greet with darkness.
I ran inside and switched on the light to look for her.
Is she alright???
My heart was pounding with anxiousness. I just hope she is fine.
As soon as I switched on the light I saw that the door of our bedroom was slightly opened.
So without wasting time I went there and opened it.

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