-When someone flirts with you-

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👻Hananko👻 (the person flirting with you is probably also a ghost)
-He will try to say calm
-if they don't stop he will tell them to stop
-if they don't he'll simply grab your wrist (gently) and drag you off
-he will probably take care of them after💀

-Like Hanako he would try to stay clam
-Would simply apologize and say that your taken
-If they don't listen he will softly wrap him arms around your waist, flashing a glare

-The first flirt that comes out of the persons mouth sets him off
-He will flip them off with a harsh glare
-Would Wait for them to leave, keeping the glare on them

-Smiles politely and says your taken
-If they don't leave then she would probably just grab your hand and walk away


-He would wrap his arms around you from the back softly kissing your neck while making eye contact with the person
-He would eventually get a bit Yandere
-At that point he would start glaring, a very scary one that is

[A/N, is it bad I'm writing like two things in a day?👁👁]

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