-You get sick-

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[A/N- first of thanks for supplying me with this image AMarshmello and secondly this scenario was brought to you by my other friend bc I couldn't think of an idea so credit goes to them]

(Idk is ghosts can catch colds but in this you can ok, this is my story😤)

Dispute you being stubborn and saying that you were fine he knew something was wrong, and oh boy was worried about you. He would do all he could to try and make you feel better including-

Cuddles- he don't care if your sick and he might get it, he just wants you to be ok.

Soft kisses- still, he doesn't care if he might catch it.

Warm soup- he tries, ok?

Being smothered with blankets- he wants to make sure you warm, he would occasionally join you in the blankets, holding you closely as he ran his fingers through your hair.

Bro, he is literally so worried about you when your sick, probably gets to a point where he acts like your dying. He you to calm him down multiple times and continually tell him that it's just a mild cold. He would try and take care of you as well as he could which involve-

Hugs and kisses 24/7- like Hanako he doesn't care if he gets your cold.

Hot tea/Cocoa- he knows that warm drinks tend to help, and all this wholesome boy wants to do is help.

His cooking- Honestly, you love this, his food is so good you literally feel like your sickness just said 'adios' after you took one bite.

He whines about you not telling him you were sick earlier, after all it had been at least a day before he caught on. Then whining stopped after a bit, he then attempted to make you feel better-

Cuddles- although complaining he doesn't want to get your cold he'll be the first to wrap his arms around you

Jokes- well, more like making fun of people👀

Cooking- surprisingly he's actually a pretty good cook, especially with sweets, which made you curious.

Honestly the second she got the phone call you were sick she would start packing up lots of blankets and other stuff because heading over to your place.

Lots and lots of blankets- you and her have enough combined to make a blanket fort the size of a shed...which you did

Scary story's- she loves to scare you, especially when your sick, mainly because when you do get scared you tend to cling to her, making her laugh.

Cuddles and forehead kisses- Honestly just, yes😤

You tried to hide it from him as you didn't want to worry him, but he would catch you occasionally sniffing. He eventually found you having a cough fit and caught on, childishly scolding you for not telling him.

Cuddles- He would hug you forever if he could honestly.

Chicken soup- (he made it with a little help from Sakura💀) He heard that it was really good when people had colds.

Pecks on the cheek or your nose- Occasionally while you two were cuddling he would place a soft and quick kiss on your nose or cheek right before you feel asleep, or, woke up a blushing mess.

[A/N, hello Author Chan here to bug you. I managed to get out two while things in one day, yay(?) anyways it's really late and I'm really tired, keep in mind that requests are still open and appreciated]

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