-Where they take you on dates-

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Roof probably, I mean, he can't really leave the school so:/
He may occasionally take you to the garden bc it's the second best place-
Hes usually the one to ask you out-
He'll bring small gifts sometimes, flowers, hairpins, necklace/bracelet, don't ask where he got them

Amusement park-
He likes going on some of the simple rides with you, like idk if any of you know what I'm talking about but there's this strawberry ride I was in once, it's like a huge strawberry that's hollow and there's seats on the inside that you can sit on and there's a large table like thing that you can use to spin it around, yeah he's probably gonna go on that with you-
Uh he sometimes likes to go on roller coasters-
If you're scared of them he'll be respectful and won't go on it without you tho-
Same with the ferris wheel-

Uh photo gallery-
I think yk why-
But if he's still alivent in this then he usually just likes taking walks around the school yard with you-
He probably blushes everytime you hold his hand-
Soft bb😌-
You once made him a flower crown and
he wore it for a week straight even tho the flowers were dead within 3 days-

🕸Sexy spider daddy🕸
It depends-
Sometimes he'll take you to and fancy one and other times it's MacDonalds-
Mmm chiggy nuggies-
So in a little side thingy in the manga it shows that he left the school for visitations so I'm assuming he can leave whenever-
If not then he orders the food on the phone ig-

Yes please-
I love her sm-
You two probably test out like all the tea there, and if you don't like tea then you try the coffee while she try's the tea, if you don't like coffee or tea then you try random drinks idk-
Bill is huge but worth it-
You also try the sweets-

You two kinda don't go for a lot of dates bc you're basically always together-
You'd probably go have a picnic occasionally, maybe on the roof or in the garden-
You bring lots of sweets-
He eats them all:/-
At least you have tea/coffee/or fd(favourite drink)

Beach date?-
There's not many people there so you two are a little loud ( not like that>:( )
You splash him-
He splashes you-
You brought a beach ball-
You two probably play volleyball although you both suck- (sorry to any
actually good volleyball players here or competitive volleyball players🤷‍♂️)

Simp for Aoi™️
Coffee shop-
You both order coffee-
If you don't like coffee then you order some of the sweets or prefer drinks-
You have a long conversation about random stuff-
He probably walks you home like a gentleman-
Jk hes not a neckbeard

I think

Sorry I didn't cover all characters that were requested:/
Also yayyy I finally got a chapter out

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