Part 4

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"can I kiss you?" Ruel asks and I nod slowly, just as our lips are about to connect my phone rings.

We quickly scramble away from each other and I start searching for my phone. I find it and answer.
"hey Sophie"
"hey, you sound stressed did I call at a bad time?"
" no it's fine just keep it quick "
" I remembered that you didn't have your car, did you get home safe?"
" actually I'm at Ruel's"
" by free will? What happened in that room"
" only god knows"
" well it's quite good that you're there, I need you to spend another night there"
" why's that?"
"you need to update your socials, Nate and I talked and since you don't despise each other anymore we're thinking about you two starting a relationship for PR"
" do we have a say in this?"
"not really"
" ofc"
" Soph I'm gonna hang up on you know and complain about your desision to Ruel"
" it's not final tho"
" yeah yeah bye"

I sit down on the couch again, Ruel's next to me scrolling on his phone. I stare at the tv in front of us wondering if I should just say goodbye and ignore Sophie's request. The natural feeling we had is completely gone and an awkward silence fills the room.
"who called?" he says finally looking up from his phone
" Sophie, you won't be able to guess what she told me"
" she wants to kill you"
I laugh at his comment and then tell him what she actually said.
"a fake relationship?! since when did we become such bad artist that we needed to fake love as PR"
"right! you know what I think we need to do about this?"
" get shitfaced?"
" your read my mind"

We went into the kitchen and he pulled out some Absolute Vodka and two shot glasses.
"you don't kid around with you booze" I laugh out a bit choked he went straight to the vodka
" spent my teenage years on tour what do you expect?"

Half way through the vodka bottle we took out some beer and moved back to the couch. We were, as planned, shitfaced. Slurring our words, wanting more to drink every second and just reckless with our actions. Out of nowhere I suggested a game of truth and dare and he agreed. It started silly, both of us just choosing truth and getting simple questions like who's your first celebrity crush to more serious dares. As drunk teenagers you couldn't except more than it ending with me sitting on his lap and giving him the last dare of the game. Kiss me. Simple words that spurred him to action real quick. His lips met mine and it felt like heaven, my arms quickly wrapped around his shoulders, his hands gripping at my hips.

In the middle of the heavy make out a phone starts ringing and since I don't recognise the ringtone I figure it's Ruel's. We slowly pull away from each other and he checks the display
"it's Nate" he says and puts the phone away. He starts kissing me again but I pull away
" does he usually call this late?"
he shakes his head and I tell him to answer so he picks up the phone again and answers.
"hey" he says into the phone and I start kissing his neck. It's weird I hated him this morning and now I can't get enough of him. He softly moans into the phone and I hear Nate asking what that was, Ruel quickly hangs up and throws away the phone. We look at each other and start giggling before we go back to kissing.

As things start getting more heated Ruel's front door is flung open and into the living room runs Nate
"fuck I knew it" he exclaims as he sees me on Ruel's lap, hands in his hair and his shirt off.
" get off of each other now"
" jesus how much have you drunk" he questions upon seeing the now almost empty vodka bottle and the beer cans scattered on the floor.
" Elsa get off of him!" he says and then pulls me away from him " I'm not going to try to make you explain what happened right now since you're clearly drunk, we're gonna get some water in your systems and then get you into bed, separate beds."
" if you're gonna make us fake date why can't we sleep together" Ruel protest and I nod my head in agreement
" what ever I say your not going to remember tomorrow" Nate sighs as he drags his hands over his face " i'll explain tomorrow let's just get you into bed now"


I wake up in the morning on the living room couch and try to sit up. I lay down again the second I feel my head pounding, how much did I drink last night?
" here's some coffee"
I open my eyes and see Sophie sitting opposite me handing me a cup. I except it and slowly sit up
" could i get some a-"
" here" she says as she gives me a pill.

After drinking my coffee and taking the pill I start to feel a bit better but the pounding in my head still feels like hell. Nate and Ruel walks into the room and Ruel sits down next to me while Nate pulls up a chair next to Sophie. Ruel looks over at me and I give him a smile before quickly turning back my attention to Sophie trying to hide the blush creeping up my face as the memories from last night slowly start coming back.

" we need to talk about last night guys" Nate says giving us an disappointed look
" what was even so wrong with last night?" I ask giving Sophie a pleading look, getting a lecture with this headache is not something I would enjoy.
" you need to understand, you two can't just get shitfaced and then try to sleep together. If things start getting awkward between you it's going to be difficult. We've already spent a lot of money on studio sessions, producer and so on, the fans have already start speculating about a possible relationship" Sophie says and Nate just nods along the whole time
" we know that your both are horny teenagers but you need to be able to keep your hands to yourself "
Nate says making the two of us laugh.
" I'm guessing Elsa told you about our plans about creating a fake relationship for PR" Sophie says looking at Ruel
" plans? I thought you were just playing with the idea" I interrupt capturing Sophie's and Nate's attention
" Well we talked last night and kind of decided, that was why Nate was calling you Ruel" Sophie says
" This morning we had to talk even more about it but our final decision is that you two are going into a relationship"
" no complaints"
I let my head fall back into the couch and close my eyes. This whole thing fells like to much, since when am I incompetent of realising a song without a bunch of unnecessary PR.

" Sophie and I are gonna make breakfast while you two talk this out" Nate says and they both get up and walk into the kitchen. I lift my head up and turn to look at Ruel, we're sitting in the exact same position we did last night when we started the game of truth or dare.
" hey" I say awkwardly while giving him a soft smile
" I like the t-shirt" he says nodding to my shirt, I look down and notice it's one of his
" to be honest I don't remember how I got this on"
We start laughing and I lean my side on the couch.
" So about last night" Ruel says
" I don't think i've ever been so drunk"
" yeah me too"
" how about we forget the almost hooking up part and remember the becoming friends part"
" sounds great"
I give him another warm smile before trying to get up realising quickly that my head would not let me get up just yet and falling back onto the couch, this time right next to Ruel.
" Wanna watch something?" he asks
" love to, how about Seinfeld?"
"you like Seinfeld!"
"who doesn't?!"
I get comfortable putting the cover over Ruel's and my legs and Ruel gets the remote and puts on Seinfeld. Half through the episode Ruel stretches and slowly puts his arm around my shoulders, the lukewarm feeling that had disappeared came back in an instant but this time more like a hot cup of chocolate. I turn to him and his eyes are already on me, I give him a small smile and fell his arm relax. As it does I put my head on his shoulder and we continue to watch the show.

" you do know we're not going to be able to keep an eye on them every second of every day" Sophie says to Nate in the kitchen while they're watching us cuddle up next to each other.
" yeah but maybe yelling at them will make them develop a real relationship and not just hooking up" Nate says with a sigh. Oblivious of the conversation sat Ruel and I watching Seinfeld and laughing.

A/N: I really love this chapter and hope you guys do to

love ya

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