Part 6

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I woke up to my music alarm sounding through the room. I slowly start to open my eyes and take in my surroundings, to my surprise I'm met by Ruel's chest. His arms are wrapped around me and his head is nuzzled on top of mine. Even though I would like to stay like this forever I don't want to start believing that some mutual feelings exist so I slowly start to get up
" no"Ruel  mumbles when I try to move out of his hold
" what do you mean no" I laugh whisper out
" don't get up just yet"
" I kind of have to, we have that writing session with Mark and our producers today"
he didn't even reply he just pushed me closer to him and shook his head no. This whole thing felt unreal, like we were actually dating. Once again I have to remind myself that that's not the case
" ruuuuel"
" eeelsa"
" let's get up"
" it's to early"
" it's 10 am how is that to early"
" fine"
and then he lets go of me. I get up and try to ignore my disappointment

After washing my face and putting on a pair of nike pros I head downstairs only to find Ruel fixing breakfast. We sit down and eat the pancakes he made before we get up and start getting ready.

We arrived at the studio five minutes early and decide to get some coffee at the starbucks next door. We walk in hand in hand looking for the queue
" omg Nelly it's Ruel" I hear a girl whisper form behind, I turn around and give them a smile and they are immediately at our side
"are you two dating?!" one of the girls asks in a hurry
"I knew it!" the girl I assume is Nelly say
Ruel and I just look at them in chock.
"could we get a picture?" they ask in unison and we nod. We take a picture and I notice the time on the girls phone telling Ruel we'll have to take the coffee later since we need to be in the studio right now.

As we walk into the writing room we see Sophie and Nate scramble away from each other
" did you see what I just saw?" I ask Ruel in panic
" oh stop it" Nate says
" you guys can't make out it will ruin the PR" Ruel says to me in a mocking voice and we start laughing
" were responsible adults, we develop real relationships not like you horny teenagers that just grab the first best living thing when your drunk" Nate says in defence
" you met each other for the first time when Ruel and I met each other the first time!"
" Elsa just shut up"
I start laughing at Sophie's comment and then go to sit down on one of the multiple sofas in the writing room.
" wait" Nate says just as I'm about to sit down
" don't make an remark" he continues as he sees my mouth is about to open " Ruel lay down on the couch and Elsa you lay on top of him with your back against him, it's time to update the fans"
So Ruel lays down on the couch and I get on top of him.
" great Elsa can you look like your saying something and Ruel put your arms around her and laugh" Sophie says and Nate takes out his phone. He takes a few pics and then posts it on Ruel's Instagram, after that he asks me to share the post in my storie.

I got up and sat down on the other side of the couch and as I got comfortable the door to the room opened.
" Sara!" I say as I see who entered and get up to give her a hug " I thought you were working with other artist?"
" well you're doing your first collab I can't miss that"
She sits down and a few minutes later Mark and another person walks in.

The studio session goes by pretty quick and by the end of it we have a melody and lyric. We all walk out of the studio except Mark cause he has another artist coming in soon.
" you owe me Starbucks" I say as I turn to look at Ruel outside the studio
" oh do I?" he says as he wraps his arms around my waist, the whole acting like a couple starting to form naturally
" isn't funny to think that these two despised each other not too long ago" Sophie says to Nate and Sara
" not our fault you FORCED us to fake a relationship and do a collab" Ruel says giving Nate a sour look
" don't act like you're not enjoying this" says Nate and then he just walks away
" Elsa can I come home with you?" Sophie asks
" actually i'm not going home Ruel and I are going to hang out at his place"
"ofc, well promise me you'll be home at 7 o'clock the latest"
" yeah yeah"
" it's really important"

Ruel and I got to his place after a rough hour in starbucks and traffic.
" do you have any idea why I have to be home at seven?"
" nope. Maybe she's setting you up again but with a younger and hotter singer"
" I can only hope"
" I buy you Starbucks and this is how you treat me" he puts his hands on his chest in a dramatic gesture.
" such a baby"
" sooo wanna watch a movie"
"sure" I start walking to the couch before he grabs my arm
" I was thinking we could watch it in my bedroom"
" trying to say something?"
he just fatally shakes his head and try's to form a sentence
" you sound like a preteen boy trying to get his first kiss haha, let's go up then" and then I started going up his stairs.
We laid down on his bed and he pulled out his laptop. He put on beauty and the beast and then we just sat there the rest of the movie.

At 6.30 I left his house to get to my house following Sophie's order to be home at seven the latest. I arrive at 6.55 and is greeted by Sophie in the hallway
" great you're here, let's get going" she says and grabs my hand and the car keys
" exactly where are we going?" I ask as we get into the car
" you'll see" and then we're off.

We drive for quite a while reaching the edge of the city and arriving at the airport. I give Sophie a questioning look and she just pushes me through the crowd of people to the arrival gate. As we stand there waiting I bombard Sophie with questions about what we're doing here, when I run out of energy I see someone familiar walking through the gate.
"bella!!" I scream and run towards her

A/N: this chapter is really bad. I didn't know how to continue the story but hopefully the next one will be better

love ya

Ruel x Reader, two music worlds collide Where stories live. Discover now