Part 1

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I had just finished recording my first album when we first met.
I was walking down the hallway of the recording studio, a drink in hand and as if out of nowhere I walked into Ruel.
My drink spilled all over my favourite hoodie and I fell flat on my ass. I was expecting an apologetic look and a offering of an hand but he just looked at me and walked right past.
In pure shock I turned around and screamed after him
" have you ever heard of apologising?!"
He just looked at me, flipped me off and continued walking away.

After half an hour in the bathroom unsuccessfully trying to clean up the mess he made I stomped into the studio we where in
" I'm never doing a collab with Ruel fucking van Dijk" I stated confusing my manager and producer who was in the middle of an conversation


" so Elsa what would you say about doing a collab " my manager Sophie said as she walked into my living room. I quickly shut down my phone hoping that she hadn't seen who's profile I was on.
" I would love to, who are you thinking of?" I questioned looking at her as she sat down.
" well don't get mad at me now, so Ruel's-"
"nope, never ever" I stated and got up from my chair

" but just listen" Sophie tried to continue, following me into the kitchen
"his manager contacted me and he said that it would make a fortune. The fans have been begging for an collab for ages, can't you give them that?"
" Sophie I love to please my fans and try my hardest to do what they want but I'm not doing a collab with his rude ass just because it would make me some money"
Sophie sighs at my stubbornness and just walks out of the kitchen. Happily I continue making my coffee thinking I won the discussion.

Half an hour later she stomps into the kitchen with a notebook
" the proposal came  a month ago, since then I've been taking notes of how many times you mentioned Ruel, how often you check his socials and how often you listen to his music. His manager has done the same thing. In the past month you've mentioned him 18 times and that's only to me, you've checked his socials 20 times as far as I know and I went into your spotify account and you've listened to him at least one hour every day" I sit there silent wondering what the fuck is going on.
"Now you stop saying you hate him and do the god damn collab" Sophie finishes and then storms out.

I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing. Angrily I search the bed for it and answer.
" Ruel and his manager Nate is coming over to your place at seven, I will be there at six thirty. I expect you to be ready by then " Sophie says and then hangs up. I groan into my pillow and get up.

After making breakfast I sit down and decide to call Belle. She answered after only one second.
"hello love" she says with a fake brittish accent
" it must be really late for you, do you have time to talk?" I ask realising that it must be one in the morning in Sweden.
" no no we can talk"
" so what are your plans for today?" she asks as i start to eat my breakfast
" well i have to meet fucking Ruel and his manager because apparently we have to do a collab"

We continued talking for what felt like hours. But when it hit one a clock here in Australia I realised that it must be three in the morning for Belle and forced her to hang up and go to sleep.

At six I was completely ready for them to arrive so I sat down on my couch and started scrolling trough TikTok. As I started to get sleepy somebody knocked on the door. I checked the time to see that it was only ten minutes over six. Tiredly I walked over to the door and opened it. I'm met by a stressed Sophie holding a bag.

" great you're in the outfit that Harry choose for you" she says as she eyes me up and down. She hands me the bag and I give her a quizzed look as I open it
" it's one of Ruel's hoodies that his manager sent" she states as if it was obvious.
" aaand why do I have his hoodie?"
" right! you're gonna put it on" she starts as she walks over to my kitchen island
" we are going to post a photo on your storie with you wearing it so that people will start conspiring about it. Then a photo of the two of you on your main" " these are the instructions from your publicist so I'm expecting you to do exactly what you've been told"

Fifty minutes later I was wearing his god damn hoodie, the picture was posted and Sophie and I was sitting around the kitchen island waiting for them to arrive.
" I know you hate him or something like that but will you please act descent when they come here?" she asked giving me a soft look. I let out a sigh before I answered
" he was the one who was mean to me. It's not my fault he's a prick"
" Elsa please"
" fine"
We sat there silent for another minute before the doorbell rang. Sophie quickly got up and pulled me with her to the door. She mentioned for me to open it and as I reached out for the door handle I put on the best fake smile I could manage.

There was Ruel and his manager Nate standing, Nate looking nervous and Ruel looking pissed.
" welcome" I said with the most sweetest voice i could pull off.
"oh thank you" Nate answered and gave Ruel a look
"right, thanks" Ruel said nonchalant.
We all walked into my living room, Sophie and Nate sitting down on the big couch while Ruel and I sat down in separate armchairs. We sat there in an awkward silence for about five minutes until Nate decided to speak up.

" I know you hate each other for some unknown reason and that you despiece Sophie and I for pulling this "shit" but you need to grow up and actually talk to each other" he gave Ruel a stern look and Sophie gave me one.
" well it's not easy having an conversation with a prick" I simply say
" you're one to talk"
"yes I am. You don't understand how heart-"
" will you both shut up and listen to our plans!" Sophie yells interrupting me in the middle of my sentence. I knew that was my que to stay silent since Sophie almost never yells.

"so today we're going to start teasing the fans. Elsa has already posted a pic on her storie wearing your hoodie and is going to post a pic on her main of the two of you, we expect you to do the same Ruel. You'll have to see each other this month to start writing and to post pics and videos on your socials" she finishes of with a sigh and both Ruel and I groan in frustration.

"so you're telling me I'll have to spend a month or more with this dick" I say giving sophie a pleading look
" you're one to talk, I'm the one who has to spend time with you"
"oh he talks, I didn't know that"
We start arguing and Sophie and Nate just give up.

After fifteen minutes of just throwing comments at each other Nate and Sophie suggest we should get some food and start taking pictures.
We ordered a ton of sushi and when it arrived Nate asked us to sit down at my dining table. 
" okay Ruel throw your arm around Elsa's shoulders and look at her with loving eyes while Elsa grabs a sushi and smiles"

We do as we're told and try not to strangle each other. After an hour we had finished the photo shoot and eaten all the sushi. Nate and Sophie told us to post the pics and after that everyone finally left.

A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed this first chapter.
Just wanted to let you know that this is inspired by a fan fiction on tumblr written by darlinvandijk. I really think you should check out her writing.

love ya

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