Part 7

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After I hugged Belle for what felt like forever she explained that Sophie had fixed for her to get here
" i know you kind of hated me for forcing a relationship between Ruel and you so I thought this might help to put me on your good side" Sophie said and I gave her a hug.
We collected Belle's bags and got into my car.

We dropped of Sophie at her house and she told me I'll get today and tomorrow of from work and my fake relationship, I thanked her and we drove off.
My house wasn't far from hers and we arrived 5 minutes later at my house.

" now you'll have to tell me everything!" Belle exclaimed as we sat down in the kitchen after packing her stuff up.
" tell you everything about what?" I say
" ABOUT WHAT?!" " you're "dating" your celebrity crush and spend all your time with him and you're wondering what I want to know" she says giving me her crazy eyes as i laugh
" well we're almost done with the song and don't hate each other anymore"
She listens with eager as I tell her everything in detail about my relationship with Ruel and when I finish she has this smug smile
" you do realise he's starting to like you" she says
" yeah we're quite good friends now"
" not like that" she rolls her eyes and walks over to my fridge " got any alcohol?" she asks and turns to me
" you? drinking alcohol? who are you?" I say thinking of the numerous party's, awards shows and dinners I've taken her to where she's said no to alcohol
" we both know that's the only way you open up and tell me everything, sooo alcohol?"
" top shelf"
She brings out a bottle of red wine and drags me to the couch.

A few hours passed and I was spilling everything
" wait so I told you to tell me EVERYTHING and you leave out the fact that you almost SLEPT TOGETHER!" Belle says slightly slurring her words implying that she's starting to get drunk
" well that's not all..."
" you're pregnant"
" absolutely not! I told you we ALMOST slept together, are you even listening to what i'm saying?"
" yes I am now tell meeeee"
"well I think I'm starting to crush on him again..."
" I KNEW IIIT!!!" she screams and gets up from the couch running around cheering her self on.

We sat up until late drinking and talking and then fell asleep on the couch.
I woke up to my phone ringing at 7 am, I slowly sat up and as I was reaching for my phone I realised I had to puke. When I went back to the living room Belle had woke up and my phone was still ringing, angry I turned of my phone since Sophie said I would have the day of. I dragged Belle out of the couch to get water and pills for the hangover headache
" who's calling you at this hour?" Belle says tiredly
" no idea and I don't care cause I have the day off"

After eating and showering and slowly starting to feel like a human again I decided to check my phone. Nate had called me 20 times since this morning, Sophie had called me 5 times and to my surprise I had one missed call from Ruel. Annoyed I called Sophie and she answered almost immediately
" I'm hungover and pissed since Nate called me at 7 am so keep it short"
" I know I said you could have the day off but you need to invite Ruel"
" why"
" well some paparazzi followed us from the airport and magazines have been speculating that Belle and you are dating so to end the rumours we need Ruel to get to your place and then a post on your storie of the two of you hanging out"
" fine" I sigh
" you should call Ruel, he's feeling real bad for all this"
" okay"
and then we hung up.

I explained the situation to Belle and she was extremely understating, mostly because she's in love with Ruel's music. I excused my self and went to my bedroom to call Ruel.
After a few signals he picked up
" hey" he said and the heartbreak in his voice broke me. He's not the one who should feel bad about all of this, it's our managers and the press.
" wanna come over?" I ask with a happy tone
" i'm really sorry"
" this is not your fault and you know it, besides Belle really wants to see you"
" she does?"
" yeah"
I tell him to come over in half an hour so we have time to clean up.
" wait before you hang up, bring a hoodie of yours that your fans will recognise"
We hang up and I walk out to the living room preparing to clean.

The door bell rang just when we finished cleaning, I go to the door to open but give Belle a warning look and telling her not to fangirl over him. After getting her to promise on her life that she'll act normal I open the door and get pulled into a gigantic hug. We stand there for a few seconds before Belle clears her throat behind us
" right, Ruel this is Belle, Belle this is Ruel"
" hello" Belle says in a way to serious voice
" hey" Ruel answers and gives her a hug
" once again I'm sorry to interrupt on your day off Elsa" he says and my heart breaks when our eyes meet
" and once again it's not your fault, now let's get into the kitchen order some food and trick our fans that we're dating"

We sit down at the kitchen table after our order is placed, Ruel pulls out a bag with the hoodie in it and Belle gasps
" omg it's the hoodie from the Real Thing music video"
" belle, you promised"
" shit sorry"
" you're a fan?"
" I'm the reason she knows who you are"
" So you haven't always hated me" Ruel nudges my arm as he says this and I feel a blush creeping up my face
" you already know this"
I pull on the hoodie and Ruel takes a quick pic that he posts to his instagram.

Through out the evening we update the fans and bombard them with content of us. As the night comes closer we decide that Ruel will stay the night so we fix the couch for him and then head up to bed.
" crazy day huh?" I say as I lay down next to Belle. She just nods her head as a response
" earth to Belle"
" you know he really likes you" she turns her head and is now looking at me. Suddenly everything feels tense, I want that to be true I really do. I give her a look of disbelief, the high from the evening's conversations and closeness disappearing
" you need to stop saying stuff like that, hope is never good"
" believe what you wanna believe but I know Im right and deep down you know that to" She turns out the light and falls asleep while I lay awake questioning everything.

The next morning I wake up early, Belle's still sleeping so I tiptoe down to the kitchen after pulling on the hoodie I wore last night. As I enter the kitchen I'm met by Ruel
" good morning" he says as we lock eyes
" good morning"
" I'm making some coffee, do you want some?"
" always"
I sit down on the kitchen island wincing as I'm met by the cold marble.
" you know you look really good in my hoodie" he says as he hands me my coffee
" thought I looked good in everything"
" you do"
he walks closer to me and stands in between my legs, as he puts down his mug he puts his hands on my thighs. Then and there I stopped breathing. He slowly moved closer and I could feel his breath against my face
" I kind of want to kiss you" he says as he stares into my eyes, god I could get lost in them forever.
" please do"

He leans in and our lips meet, I go into some kind of chock, so many feelings just smashing together. We slowly pull away only to kiss again, his hands slowly travel up my thighs to my waist and my hands gets lost in his hair
We quickly pull away and look to the source of the sound and there stands Belle dancing and cheering
" IIII WAS RIIIGHT. I'm right Elsa's wrong WOOOOOO!! He likes you and I'm right!"
" how long have you been standing there?" I ask
" since he gave you your coffee"
" perv!"
" anyways, I was right and now I'm going to take a shower so i'll be gone for quite some time interpret that how you want" and then she's gone.
Ruel slowly backs away from me and groans
" where never gonna get a real kiss are we"
" probably not"
I pull him back by his shirt and kiss him again.

A/N this is a bit of a messy chapter but I hope you understood most of it

love ya

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