Chapter 3: Who's that?

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As Jade entered her house she was met at the doorway by her mother, with folded arms she asked Jade.

"Who the hell was that? Why are you out so late and covered in sand? Jade Rebecca Smith answer me!" She rose her voice at her daughter who walked by her without even giving a sign that she noticed her.

"I'm going to bed." Jade said climbing up the stairs as she refused to turn back to her mother.


Peter walked up to the apartment and opened the door. There was no need to knock. He stepped into the small place and laid on the couch. Jake was either asleep or wasted somewhere. To his surprise Jake woke up and walked into the living room.

"You could of at least called douche I would have cleaned." He laughed out loud. "No I wouldn't have" he said sarcastically but honestly.

"I'm might stay here for a couple of days man." Peter said adjusting him self on the old stained couch. Jake picked up Jades book from the table where Peter had left it.

"What the hell is this ?" As he grabbed the book a picture fell out with a note. Jake helped himself to the picture as Peter grabbed the note "ooooooh who's that ?" Jake said turning the photo sideways admiring the person in the photo. Peter snatched the photo from his hand. It was a photo of Jade.

"Oh that's just.....some girl I just met. It her book I figured I might as well return it to her " Peter said looking down at the note. "This says her address in case this book gets lost." He flipped the card back and forth then crumpled it and threw it in the trash.

"Woah! Wait! Why did you throw that away it tells us this chicks address and you just think it's trash?" Jake says as he sits next to Peter. Who still is looking at the photo of this so called Jade.

"I walked her home tonight I know the place pretty well." He yawned signaling Jake to get up and let him extend the rest of his body on the sofa.

"Oh did you now? So you're going on dates and shit with her now? You didn't even tell me anything ! Didn't get my word to date her ? "

"First of all. I'm not dating her, I met her today and walked her home. Second. Who said I need your permission to date girls?"

"Whatever dude I'm going to bed see you tomorrow " Jake said entering his room.

Peter laid on the couch not knowing what to do. He couldn't sleep at all. Insomnia. He though to himself. Great. He kept picturing his family on the shore line. He used to go there all the time with them. They were happy then, always had picknicks there. They swam together and ate together. Up until the point his mother left, they did everything together. He hated her, hated her for leaving them, hated her for never telling them why she left, hated her for giving birth to him. He couldn't stress the idea more. Then out of no where of his blank thoughts. The photo of Jade came to mind. Why? He pictured her image. The short girl standing on the beach with her books clenched tightly around her chest. Her hair waved from the ocean breeze. She had a large beach hat that waved in the wind with her hair. She stared at the night sky full of stars, her large eyes reflected the shining sky as she smiled and looked at him with her rosy cheeks. She mouthed words to him but he couldn't hear her

"What?!? I-I can't hear you?"

He began to sprint towards her. He was at the shore with her, he paced through the sand trying to reach her trying to comprehend her words, what was she saying? He got closer and closer but as he did the sky became pitch black. Her mouth stopped moving and she stared at him with blank eyes. Then he began to sink. He sank in the sand. He tried everything he could to get out. He waved his arms and tried to climb out. He began to break down. He yelled and cried and screamed. Then, he felt hands grip his ankles.

"AHH!" He quickly got up from the sofa, he was panting and sweating. He looked down still trying to catch his breath in shock.

"It was a dream. A fucking dream." He sighed and checked the time. He was late for school.


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