Chapter 10: Shopping. Great.

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Him and Jade. On the hill once again. This time there was no city. Just very bright stars. The wind flowed through Jades long beautiful hair. She looked at him. He looked around, there was no vehicle or signs of them walking there.

"What the? How? Jade how did we?.." Peter said. He stop talking. Jade had put a finger on his lips and whispered the words. Shhhhhhh.

He was sitting on the bench when he turned around.

"m-mom....." He gulped, his mother was there on top of the hill. His eyes began to tear as he ran towards his mother at the very top of the hill. As he got closer and closer. Her face became more and more white. He ran and ran screaming at his mother.

"Mom!! Mom! Wait!" He ran. Then. He realized the terrible. Terrible truth. His mother hadn't been standing on top of the hill. Instead. She was there. Hanging. From one of the branches.

"What..No.....No! No! NO!NO!!" He tried and tried to cut her down. He cried. And cried. He felt a hand pull him way

"Let go of me!! Stop! mom!" He cried and turned around. It was Jade. She had a smile on her face. She kissed him.

"AHHH !!!!" He awoke. He was on the couch. Covered in sweat. Screaming.

" was just...just a nightmare." His phone rang. That's what had woke him up. He looked down at the caller id. Jade Sterling. Thank god it was her. He wanted to her her voice. He answered

"h-hello." He said.

"Peter? Are you still asleep lazy ass? It's about to be 2!" Hearing her voice made him forget about the dream.

"Yea so what? It's Saturday. " he laughed.

"Well the party is tomorrow and I didn't mention it was a formal party." She sighed.

"Formal? I-I have no formal clothes." He replied.

"Then let's go shopping together ! I was going to buy a dress so you can come with me and pick out a tux too!" She said happily. She was glad she had an excuse for him to come with her. She want going to admit it. But that was the main reason she had called. She wanted to spend time with him, they hadn't talked much after the day on the hill.

"I don't have any money Jade. Maybe just go to the party without m..." He was interrupted as she replied quickly.

"Nonsense ! I'll pay my self I have plenty of money." She said. "Please, Peter?"

"Alright...." He sighed


"Hey!" Jade waved as Peter entered the formal clothes store.

"Hey Jade this place...this is some expensive stuff." He said sounding insecure.

"I already told you I'm buying now first you help me pick out dresses then we'll go to your section let's go!" She grabbed his hand and ran

Dress after dress, she piled them on Peter then they went to the dressing rooms. Dress after dress, she tried them on Peter thought they were all okay. Until she came out wearing a long a long beautiful silk dress. It draped over her curves and had a space to show off her legs. It was lace at the chest and open in the back. It was the color of snow but got darker as it went down. She looked gorgeous. She came out shy.

"I-Is this okay?" She half smiled at Peter

Once she had stepped out, Peter was speechless. She really was a stunning girl. The dress complimented her figure and shape. It brought out her eyes and hair. She looked like a goddess to Peter.

"You're perfect." He said

"W-What?" Jade said. She was a bright red as she looked down at her feet. No one had ever called her that. It meant a lot. Especially coming from Peter.

"I meant the dress!! The Dress ! The dress is beautiful!! I-I'm not saying you're not beautiful ! I-I mean you're gorgeous, b-but I meant the dress is hot! no-no I mean you! You're hot ! No crap! I meant the dress the dress makes you look hot! I-I mean beautiful it''s!" Peter kept stumbling over his words. He too was blushing immensely. Embarrassed of what he had just said.

"T-Thanks Peter." She said smiling.

"It's's a great dress." He smiled as he face palmed himself. They both laughed.

"Now it's time for you ! " she said as once again she grabbed his hand and ran to the other side of the store.

They picked out several. More than he wanted to try on. But she forced him to. So one after another he tried them on. And let Jade judge him.

"Too small." She replied to the first outfit as he came out.

"Doesn't suit you" she said to the second outfit. And so on to the rest of the outfits.

"Orange really isn't your color Pete."

"Maybe in a different color?"

"I-I don't like it"

"Did I even choose that one for you?"

Again and again almost none of them suited Peter. They had gone through maybe 50 that day. Just when they were about to give up. Peter walked out of the changing room with a gray tuxedo. It was slim but not too slim. Long but not too long. It had a grey plad tie.

"How's this?" Peter asked with a half smile.

"Oh Peter !" Jade gasped. He looked great. Really great. She hadn't notice how muscular peters figure was in the suit. She gulped and blushed.

"Y-You look great. Really, Really great." She said blushing.

They bought the clothes and left. One of her drivers had dropped her off but she called and told them she was getting a ride from a friend. They put there helmets on.

"You were expecting me to ride with you again weren't you." Jade said putting on her helmet. Of course he did. Why else would he bring the extra helmet.

"Maybe," he said laughing.

They drove around town for hours. Just the two of them. Peter enjoyed being hugged by Jade, and Jade didn't mind at all.

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