Christmas special!

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE MY ANGELSS!! I love you all and hope you have an amazing Christmas! This chapter doesn't add much to the story, it's just for fun and I hope you all enjoy it! Okay, I love you. Have fun reading.


You, Azami and Kurapika decided to celebrate Christmas at Kurapika's friends this year. Rin was at your families house, but you decided not to go after everything that happened. Christmas was a holiday full of joy and happiness, something you wouldn't feel there.

''They can act a bit strange at times,'' Kurapika warned you and Azami as the three of you stood in front of a door. A Christmas wreath filled with decorations and tiny little lights was hung up on the door. Your lips curled up into a smile as you looked at the cute decoration. Kurapika held your hand in his as he knocked on the door, softly squeezing your hand.

''Kurapika!'' a man said happily. He wore a Christmas hat, causing you to giggle softly. You looked behind you at Azami, who seemed very shy. He wasn't the most social person, but you were happy he agreed to come with today.

''Leorio!'' Kurapika walked into the room and gave Leorio a big hug, ''I haven't seen you in a while!'' Leorio said as he rested his hands on Kurapika's shoulders. You and Azami took a step into the room as well, standing next to each other and enjoying the warmth of the house. It smelled like cinnamon and it was decorated to the top. Little lights everywhere, Christmas trees, candles, stars, presents and much more decorations.

You immediately felt happy and smiled at Azami, who also admired all the decorations as he looked around the room, his lips slightly parted.

''Isn't he like 40?'' Azami whispered into your ear. You bit your lip, trying to suppress a laugh.

''I'm the same age as you!'' Leorio said angrily, but laughed soon after.

''Leorio?'' you heard a voice say from the other room, soon the person was revealed. It was a young-looking boy, around 14. He had spiky green hair and he got followed by a cat-like kid, around the same age. He held his hands in his pocket as he followed the other boy to where all of you are standing.

''I'm Gon!'' he said happily and you smiled at him, introducing yourself and Azami did so too.

''Killua'' the other boy said. You introduced yourself as well and after a while of talking to everyone, it felt like all of you had met ages ago. Leorio was very easy to talk to and Azami, Killua and Gon wouldn't stop talking to each other about games and all of the Christmas snacks they were going to eat.

You smiled as you looked at your best friend and you suddenly felt someone take your hand into theirs, squeezing it lovingly. You faced Kurapika and your heart almost jumped out of your chest as you saw the love in his eyes.

''Azami, Killua!'' Gon cheered as he stood up from his chair, both hands steady on the table as he smiled from ear to ear, ''let's play some games! Leorio got me a new game controller!'' the two boys nodded happily and went to the living room. You smiled to yourself and looked at Leorio. Kurapika decided to tell him everything as you sat next to him, playing with his fingers.

''Rin?! Isn't that the 'there's no way you're my age' girl?'' Leorio said mockingly, rolling his eyes, ''Never liked her!''

You snorted, even though he was making fun of your sister. ''Yep, she decided to date my ex-boyfriend'' you looked at Kurapika who squeezed your hand another time as he smiled weakly.

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