Don't kill him

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✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ Thirty four ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Your eyes shot open when you heard someone continuously knocking on your bedroom door. You frowned and slammed your hand down next to you, hitting Kurapika's chest harshly in the process. ''Ow! What did you do that for?'' Kurapika hisses, slapping your hand away from his chest. You apologised to him before turning on a light in your bedroom.

''Who is that?'' Kurapika asked, looking at you with frowned brows before glancing back at the door. ''Is it Rin?''

''If it is, I'll murder her and call the police for breaking in.''

''But she'll—''

''Oi, oi, are you two naked?'' a voice behind the door said and you knew who it belonged to right away, Azami. You were holding your body up with your elbows and the second you heard his voice you let yourself fall down onto your back, exhaling loudly.

''No, we're not. What is it?'' you shouted, rubbing your sleepy eyes gently with your fingertips. Your eyes shifted to Kurapika, who bit his bottom lip, trying his best not to laugh. ''What's so funny?'' you groan and Kurapika finally cracks a big smile, ''he's just so strange. I've missed him.''

The door opened slowly, revealing Azami with messy bed hair pulled up into his usual hairstyle. He only peeked his head into the room as if he was afraid the two of you were naked and lied to him. No, both of you were some kind of pyjamas.

''Sorry,'' he snorted, ''I didn't want to walk into some kind of porn—''

''God, you need to shut up. It's too early for this,'' you throw your pillow at him which he quickly caught in both hands, causing a big grin to appear on his face. ''Look at that! you're no match for me. Not in games and not in real life!'' he says haughtily, throwing the pillow back, hitting your face softly.

Kurapika let out a loud laugh, startling Azami and causing you to glare at him as if he was a crazy person. ''Azami, thank you so much,'' he said as he got out of bed and walked towards Azami, who's expression quickly changed from a cheeky smile to a confused expression. Kurapika placed a hand on Azami's shoulder and gave the boy a sweet smile, ''I'm sorry for last night. I hope we can spend more time together today.''

''I-It's okay,'' Azami stuttered, not used to getting thanked and apologised to. Kurapika chuckled and walked past him, leaving the bedroom. You tried your best to suppress a laugh and Azami glared at you.

''What's up with him? Is he okay?'' Azami whispers loud enough for you to hear, holding one hand next to his mouth. Creating some kind of shield that would block his words from reaching Kurapika's ears.

''He's fine. He just feels bad for turning you down last night.''

''I told him it's okay...'' Azami muttered, scratching the back of his head, ''he shouldn't feel bad. I've always spent my time alone playing games— it's not strange that he was weirded out by me wanting to come along.''

''Kurapika had to talk to me about something that's going on between us, it had nothing to do with you. Don't worry.''

Azami hummed and you got out of bed too, wanting to get ready for the day. When you're in the shower, Kurapika waited on the sofa. ''Hey,'' Azami says and plops down next to Kurapika, ''wanna play with me? I was just playing with—''


Azami wore a vague smile as he unpaused his game, passing the game controlled to Kurapika who held it tightly. His expression changed to a focused one and Azami laughed at the man next to him. ''No... you have to do—''

''I died.''

''I can see that.''

Azami frowned his brows as his lips curled up into a sly smile, unimpressed by Kurapika's gaming skills. Oh, how bad he wanted to snatch the controller out of his hand and show him the way you have to do it. Kurapika aggressively pressed on all the buttons of the controller, pretending like he knew exactly what all of them meant.

''You died again. You know, you have to dodge.''

''But he has a shield,'' Kurapika glared at Azami who quirked his brows, ''that thing is not supposed to be able to do me any damage.''

''His shield broke and you shouldn't rely on it anyway,'' Azami tilted his head before shaking it and taking the controller out of Kurapika's hands. ''Here,'' he says before giving it back to Kurapika along with his headphones, ''say something.''

''I'm Kurapika.''

Azami watched Kurapika as he bit his bottom lip, trying his best not to burst into laughter. He watched Kurapika's eyes widen and quickly take off the headphones, ''THEY'RE YELLING AT ME!'' he frowns before smiling eventually.

Azami was playing with Gon and Killua as they exchanged their usernames et cetera on the first day of Christmas. Since Kurapika isn't good at the game and they were doing a difficult domain, Kurapika died and left a bunch of work for the two young boys.

''You're so rude,'' Kurapika laughs.

''Ah— no, they're good. Don't worry.''

Kurapika's eyes widen when the thick words appear on the screen; challenge completed. ''They won?'' he said surprised, ''they did it without me?'' Azami cracked a smile as he cheered while throwing his arms up into the air, proud of the two boys.

You wrap your damp hair up into a towel, slipping into your clothes before brushing your teeth. You sigh and pout your lips, staring at yourself in the mirror before rubbing your temple with your finger. You quirk your brows when you hear screaming coming from the living room. You make your way out of your bathroom, following the loud noises.

''What's going on—''

''DON'T DIE ON ME!'' Azami yells with a hint of excitement in his voice, standing up because of the adrenaline shooting through his body.

''I won't, but if I do, it's because Killua broke my shield,'' Kurapika mouthed a lame excuse and Azami yelled at his phone, seeing Kurapika's character dissolve into the air because he died. ''Kurapika...'' he whispered with a dangerous tone, hiding his face with his free hand.

''A-Azami,'' Kurapika chuckled with his eyes closed, moving his arms in front of his body to protect himself from the black-haired boy. You watched them with your arms crossed in front of your body, shaking your head from side to side as you sighed.

Kurapika shot a glance at you when he realised you were standing there, observing them. ''Y/N!'' glad he could change the topic and stood up, placing the game controller next to him and planting a soft kiss on top of your head as he wrapped his arms around you. He placed his hand on your lower back, ''He's going to kill me,'' he whispered into your ear and you couldn't help but burst into laughter.

''Azami, please don't kill him!''

𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭 〆 Kurapika x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now