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Adora POV

The loud sounds of fireworks filled the gymnasium, echoing in Adora's ears. She covered her ears in pain, wincing at the loudness piercing her eardrum.

All she saw was bright blinding flashes of light and sparks as everyone began evacuating in a panic.

Adora ran for the fire exit; someone must have pulled the fire alarm because the alarm rang in her ear. The bangs and alarms made Bright Moon sound like a war zone.

Her hand left her ear to fumble for the door and suddenly she felt someone pull her out.

"Adora!!" Bow screamed in relief. He pulled her into a hug and then dragged her to the parking lot. Adora struggled to keep up with his pace, the sounds still echoed in her brain, making her wince in discomfort.

Adora met up with the rest of her team and friends, happy to see everyone was okay.

After a few minutes the fireworks died out.

The firefighters showed up, making sure there was no active fire. Police collected the firework remains as evidence, glaring at the Horde teens as they walked past the parking lot.

Everyone was so shocked at what happened that most people stayed frozen in place, staring at the police talking to Mrs. Angella.

The Horde roared with laughter and began to imitate the firework sounds, making Adora frown in anger.

Then she heard two words that sent shivers down her spine.

"Hey Adora..."

Adora tensed, not moving. The flirtatious, cocky voice filled her heart,
making Adora not want to turn around.

What if it weren't real?

Slowly Adora faced her ex best friend, her heart racing.

Catra stood smug in the parking lot, amused by all the commotion. Her hand rested on her hip, and  she was dressed in a black hoodie and ripped pants. Chains hung from a black leather belt, making her seem like a punk.

Catra had changed a lot since Horde High; she was more mature looking, her chin sharper, smile more crooked.

Slowly Catra slid a lighter out of her pocket, flicking it so only Adora could see. She winked then pocketed it, walking away.

Adora couldn't speak.

"B-b-but I didn't see you in the crowd" Adora stuttered.

Catra purred in amusement over her shoulder, calling back to Adora, "Oh Adora, can't wait to have a great senior year with you"

Then she laughed to herself as if only she knew the joke and disappeared into the crowd.


The next day Adora felt her anger build.

Adora glared at the messy haired girl standing in the cafeteria line, frowning at the food as if confused.

Hey Adora (Catradora)Where stories live. Discover now