And Thats How I Got Here

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"Happy Bee-day" Adora grinned. Holding the cake out to a furiously blushing Catra. 

"What the fuck are you supposed to be even?" Catra muttered. 

"Obviously a bee, dumbass." Adora rolled her eyes. 

"No, I know that. I mean, why. Why are you embarrassing yourself?" Catra face-palmed. 

"I'm not being embarrassed. You are. Duh. I don't have any shame, but you have plenty" Adora shrugged. "Now can we eat this cake? I'm starving" 

Catra growled. 

The two stared at each other with disbelief. The entire class was silent. 

The teacher didn't even dare to ask Adora to get off the desk. Everyone just wanted to see where this led. 

Catra glared. She reached one arm out and smacked the cake from Adora's arms. It fell to the floor, smashing into pieces. 

Not even two seconds later, Glimmer suddenly teleported next to Adora with her arms crossed. She had a scary look on her face when she saw the cake. 

"You're not in this class" someone pointed out. 

"Who dropped the cake." She said darkly. She glared accusingly at Adora. 

"It wasn't me, I swear. It was Catra" Adora put her hands up in surrender. 

Glimmer slowly turned to look at Catra. Her face was creepily calm. A slight manic smile creeped up her cheek. 

"So... You wanna destroy the cake that the best friend squad worked so hard on... and for what... riff-raff like you?" She chuckled, cracking her knuckles. 

Catra clenched her fists. 

"ALRIGHT. THats IT! I'm fighting this bitch" Glimmer announced aggressively. 

The teacher snapped back to reality. 

"Lets not" He awkwardly interrupted. His voice was like a knife slicing the thick air of tension. All eyes turned to him. 

"Aw man" Adora pouted and slumped her shoulders. The energy drained out of her. She wanted to see Glimmer and Catra duel it out. It would've been kind of funny, actually. 

Catra huffed and stormed out of the classroom, the teacher calling after her. 

"Ugh. SomeONES grumpy" Glimmer huffed, crossing her arms. 

The teacher frowned at the cake on the floor and took out his phone to call the janitor. 

"Everyone, take a seat. We're actually going to learn today." He said to the class as the iPhone dialed. 

Adora shrugged in her bee costume and sat down.


"You didn't have to wear that all day!" Glimmer scoffed, referring to the bee costume as she approached Adora. 

"Too bad. I like it. People think its cute" 

Glimmer groaned and rolled her eyes. "It is SUCH an eyesore to look at" she complained.
Adora just grinned and flicked her wrist.

They walked to their next class and awaited their next boredom.

"Lets skip" Glimmer said suddenly.

It didn't take any hesitation for Adora to agree. But it didn't click as to why Glimmer wanted to skip.

They beelined for the exit doors on the side of the building, careful for teachers (haha you're so funny Saree... haha...)

The door made a horribly loud creaking noise right as a hall moniter turned the corner. But the two were already out the door by the time they noticed: yelling for them to stop. It didn't matter, their backs were turned leaving them unrecognizable.

Giggling from the risk they were taking, they darted for the woods.

As they weaved in and out of trees, they finally reached clearing, surrounded by a circle of woods. Mushrooms grew at the edges, their colors looked appetizing to Adora. She loved mushrooms.

The grass was a healthy green and thick like a carpet. Adora wanted to lay down and stare at the clouds. As she went to do so, a figure began slowly emerging from the treeline.

It was Catra, looking nervous. Her eyes looked everywhere but at Adora. Her hands were shoved in her pockets, and she slouched forward as if trying to make herself smaller.

Double Trouble followed behind her; looking confident with a high stance. They walked like nothing in the world ever bothered them. With them came a stong aura of boldness, like everything slighly amused them.

As they stepped in the clearing, they stared at the sky dramatically as if they were the star of a play.

"We're here" Catra said flatly, trying hard to surpress all emotion.

"Good." Glimmer said curtly.

They stared at each other tensely, as if any sudden movement would trigger them. The stand off continued for a while before Catra broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, Adora, for ruining your cake" She said sarcastically.

Glimmer cleared her throat, tapping her foot and crossing her arms.

"My bad" Catra rolled her eyes and turned to face Adora.

Her multi-colored eyes met Adora's.

Adora felt something inside her melt. But she wasn't sure what. It might have been her heart.

But there was no way right?

Looking at Catra, Adora felt herself step closer.

Catra was too busy staring at her to notice.

"Adora..." Catra started, sincerity and pain in her voice.

"Yeah....?" Adora whispered. Another step forward.

"I'm really sorry for ruining your cake..." Catra said softly.

Another step.



Again, Adora moved towards Catra.

Double Trouble looked at Glimmer, eyebrows raised as if to say 'see?'

Adora stopped an arms length away from Catra. Their eyes were both locked on each other.

"Don't go to the dance with Huntara" Catra blurted.

Something snapped in Adora. Anger washed over her.

"You can't tell me who I can and can't go to the dance with, Catra. You made it very clear that you want nothing to do with me."
Adora said harshly.

Catra immediately darkened.

"Fine. Go then. I don't care."

She turned away and gave DT a side glance.

"Lets go." She ordered.

DT sighed audibly and shook their head.

"So close, Catra. You worded it wrong."

Catra shrugged, looking over her shoulder at the glaring Adora.

"Whatever." She muttered.

"You. Meet me at the park at midnight." Catra said to Adora before storming off into the cover of the woods.

DT looked with sympathy at Adora. "I'd go." they advised. Then they turned and followed where Catra disappeared.

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