Brother I- cristmas inspired fic part 5️⃣

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Should I publish this in another book

Let me know PLEASE.


[£√!|_×!$¥^^∆=Alex joined the game]

Everyone freaked out except Stress, Grian and Tango. Tango was the first to react.

Why did you break the sever with your name? Tango asked EX calmly.

I wanted to. EX responded casually.

"Hey umm do you want to crash here?" Stress offered kindly.

"WHAT IS GOING ON X EXPLAIN PLEASE!!!" Grian screeched at the top of his lungs. EX had appeared to him in the Nether and it scared him.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU COME BACK!" X was panicked he had to fix the firewall now.

EX was calm "It's not going to kill anything."

G calm down EX is X's evil twin he banned in season 5. Ren tried in vain to calm the panicked gremlin.

"The beginning of season 6 and his name is Alex." Stress corrected ren quietly.

"I kinda wanted to see my girlfriend ya-know." EX snickered and X had a big moment of confusion and didn't notice a notification in the corner of his helmet.

"GIRLFRIEND!!! STRESS IS DATING YOU?" Ren nearly lost it.

"??? What happened here ???" Doc had just woke up. His voice was still raspy.

TFC said, "Chill out let's have a server meeting and talk."

"Where" Doc was confused

"Spawn Island would be good," Joe responded

"I can't go I have to fix the Firewall tell me what your thoughts on EX are I didn't listen to you the first time so you should make a decision complete with a
vote," X responded sadly

"Who should lead it," Cleo asked surprised.

Joe or TFC would be the best. X

OK so meet there.

All y'all need to chill how about we have the meeting in 30 minutes cause we need a moment to set up a voting station and figure out some stuff. Alex, TFC, Cleo, Grian, Scar and Tango come to Spawn Island, please. Joe took the responsibility of leading and was calm and collected.

When he heard the announcement Doc said."OK I'll be late but, I'll be there I just woke up to my phone blowing up with voice messages."

False attended the meeting when she was flying to her base she felt a sinking in her chest. She worked on her base for an hour the sinking just got worse and worse. She couldn't stand it anymore and went to X's base. and saw a boy with a gun up to X's head. She thought he might be in danger but, she wasn't worried before she could think appropriately.

She charged at him with her sword with red magic surrounding it. She saw a red flash streak past her but, she continued charging at him. When the sword killed him she realized EX took a bullet for her.

She locked X in a hug apologizing she was crying that should have been her but it wasn't. she was shaken up and needed support he was there without question. Then started to cry. He held her so close like he was afraid to let her go. She wondered what he was thinking about.

He was trying not to cry False needed him then he realised she was scared of what could have happened. She could have died it was a lose-lose situation for him. One of the three had to die. WHY WAS IT HIM! WHY HE NEVER GOT TO SAY I LOVE YOU AND I FORGIVE YOU OR BROTHER I - WISH YOU WERE LESS OF A PAIN I COULD LOVE YOU EASIER!

He didn't realize that he was grabbing his girlfriend and leaving bruises on her shoulders. He didn't realise he was sobbing into her hair. She didn't pull away they were both a mess but, they were there for each other.

X makes his brothers grave and mourns alone no-one sees his pain except False she gave him an arrangement of flowers and let him cry into her shoulder and every time he called she picked up or ignored with a message but that was only when she was busy or close to getting caught with him.

On the day of the funeral, they sat in silence. Doc walks into the clearing and adds a gravestone to EX's grave. Stress starts to wail X saw Ren kick himself. ashamed of himself he rubs her back. After he tells X he will stay with Stress no matter what. Then asks about him.

X says " I found the perfect person to stay by my side." He glowed with happiness.

Ren smiles then an unreadable expression passes his face.

"I found that person but, I can't tell her yet. " Ren tried to smile but, failed.

"Tell her before it's too late." He had a look of nostalgia pass his face then sadness

"I will but right now she needs means friend." Ren walked away and tried to comfort Stress.

Original 404 words.
Now 808 words.
Plus notes 854 words.

To clarify this is the 30th

Also, EX died permanently because he was shot by a gun and those are magic
weapons and magic kill permanently.

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