This time I will protect my lover part 4 Xmas inpired

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this song is similar to what he is going through so yaa listen to it

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this song is similar to what he is going through so yaa listen to it

three doors down this time also this one is Pg 13

two people are deeply in love and sleeping together the worst it gets is false kisses X's abbs with passion and he puts his hand on her and knows he is controlling in her but she is oblivious.


I fell hard so hard last time when I was in love. I'm so unsure of myself should I have loved her as I did? Should I have danced with such passion should I have let it eat me alive or no?

What should I do so I don't lose her. Will I lose her? What happens now? What do I do?
What is the safe path in love?

Last time I was in love they died because of me. Last time you fell and hit hard. I was not the murderer but, I feel responsible. As an Admin it is my responsibility to protect everyone. My wounds have healed but the scars remain. They run deep I feel them every time I touch False I hear I love you to the end of the void and back. Kershar's words, not hers. He wanted to cry but, he had to stay strong he had just woke up next to False.

I love you False every kiss is love from my broken heart you couldn't see but, you feel it. Both of us do. It's not the way it was with Kershar. It's not the way it used to be. It's different I've come so far why can't I let this go. Don't go out as I did. Stay afloat False. I felt love for the same way I did last time and I know I'll break when I fall if I fall.
He was staring at False as she slept.

As he saw False wake up he started to advance on her then stopped he wanted her to consent She rolled on to her back and started to hug him and he gave her several kisses with his tongue in her mouth only parting when breathing was nessisarry. "What has gotten into you X?" She was enjoying it but wondering.

"Life is a cup filled with the tea you have to drink it before the fucking Americans come." False laughed so hard but he had a little sweet laugh.
"Only you could laugh so innocently after you said that." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He kissed her on the lips his body pressing against her.

"Please don't tell the American hermits I said that." He said that after he parted the kiss.

"Aww why not" she whined she wanted to see their reactions.

"They would murder me." No, they wouldn't you have me. She said that normally but then she whispered Your PvP queen then she bit her lip. X was trying so hard to keep it together. He was turned on and she noticed. As soon as he knew she noticed he stated his voice firm "False queen you have consented to do anything you would like to. He was doing a good job of keeping his cool. Except when he saw her pyjamas they looked comfy but, they were a little skimpy.

She took off his shirt and was not surprised when he had a six-pack she started tracing his muscles on his chest and she started kissing them with brutal passion "and you call me Royalty have you seen the amazing body you have." She saw how Uncomfortable he was so she added another sentence to a previous conversion.
"Oh and" "By the way, I think they would laugh but Grian will be angry but not anyone else." She then started to flip them over X didn't get that False wanted to be on top so he continued the conversation "Grian is British. Not American what are you thinking.

I'm thinking about you and its early she mentally facepalmed.

"Oh oops, I confused him with Bdubs." She whispered the gap between their bodies closed so he could hear her. They kissed again X let her take over and he laughed in her ear "you're thinking of something else right now queen."

"No Bdubs would be mad at you then Doc would say something and Bdubs would get mad at him instead." False rolled her eyes she liked Doc but, disliked Bdubs but, Now was not the time to think about things she disliked now was the time to feel the love between her and her partner.

He laughed then looked out a small window he sat up so fast he didn't realise where he put his hand. False was in shock he put his hand on her boob and he didn't even notice. He moved his thumb but there was no reaction or notice that he knew he had power over her he was just happy it was snowing but she was happy he didn't notice he had power over her. She didn't realise she misunderstood his cheeky smile.

then they changed then went out into the snow. They tackled each other like little kids and rolled in the snow like little lion cubs roll on the savanna. Then X threw a snowball at False hitting her in the nose he started laughing his cute laugh.

Then False ran behind him grabbed some snow then threw a snowball hitting him in the back of the head. Then she caught one and threw it back to X hitting him in the chest their game lasted an hour and they didn't notice 22 people and 4 Redstone contraptions throwing snowballs to make it snow for them. The hermits were so happy and X was finally happy. False was the only one who could make X feel like this and everyone knew it.

Original 313
Now 661
Now plus notes and editing 992 words

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